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Everything posted by Lopedo45

  1. @TripleR there are some people that legit brag, that i've seen before
  2. Sarcasm: People talking bad about others as a pet peeve When people brag about their gear at all really, like, cool, you have something I don't, that's amazing, I don't care, really, I'm hunting it myself right now.... Grats to you...
  3. Lopedo45

    Favorite animes

    I couldn't help but to notice this, monogatari is great, though I could debate on what my favorite anime are, but a lot of anime I watched I could say are the best. ANIME IS THE LIFE OF A WEEABOO
  4. Hello there, I'm not particularly new around here, my game account and forum account aren't particularly (my guild card) and yes there are some people here that remember me (maybe I hope) but once or twice from this game, I take large breaks, and don't play for a while, and recently I just came back from one (in fact came back last night) so I just wanna say hello to those out there, and hope to have fun with everyone on the server again. Just because I feel like I can, might as well explain my history on PSO and the server a bit. I have played PSO on my gamecube (Episode 1 & 2 disk, and Epsiode 3 Disk) been playin' on there before I even first came on the server (gamecube still works :D) and when I got a level 200 on gamecube, after so many painful hours, decided to move here on Ultima, and met many people, but then after that, took like a year break after playing for a while, then after that year, I came back, and I was so confused on everything that was new, and didn't know almost anyone. But now after a total of 2 breaks after that 1 year period, I'm back Got a steam, and discord for those who wanna chat (I used to be on the pso discord but left, it's kinda dull in there) so if there's someone out there that wants to chat, you can ask for steam, and my discord is on profile.
  5. I'm Selling A Normal Glide for 14 Pd PM please
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