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Everything posted by DVS

  1. Passive aggressiveness - you got a problem with something, man up! Insanely decked players who have every item in the game but don't do runs - got everything you need? Improve your run times. DMC isn't too bad, but someone who spams techs that do 20 AOE dmg... just no. Also stagger your attacks to minimize DMC. FOmar's (You wanna be good at melee? make a HU! You wanna be good at techs? make a FOnewm/FOney!) - this one is just a joke DFlow spam on anything and everything, control that wave silver surfer, don't blind me brah!
  2. DVS


    i'll take a baranz part please, pm'ing you can't pm you hehe, pm me please if this is still available ty
  3. DVS


    rofl thanks was out running errands, pm'ing all now. thanks
  4. DVS


    Sure no problem, PM'ed
  5. DVS


  6. DVS


    updated and removed sold items
  7. DVS

    B> Aura Field

    bought. close please.
  8. DVS

    B> Aura Field

    Looking for a 265+ defense Aura Field. Post or PM if you have this. Thanks!
  9. DVS


    sure np pm'ed
  10. DVS

    B> V502

    lol you're right i didn't notice thats the worst way to lose an item >< i did buy one though so this can be closed. ty!
  11. DVS

    B> V502

    buying a v502, i can offer 6 pd's. post or pm me please. thanks.
  12. Guildcard: 42097165 Character Common Bank Date/Time: 11:00pm-12:00am PST Description: I was raising my mag for the past day and my Mitra in my common bank turned into 6/12/19/0, the stats should be 5/12/18/0. After carefully feeding it to make sure it got the right stats, it still went to 6 defense. Please help. Thank you.
  13. DVS

    B> Few Items

    Looking for the following : Heaven Striker x/0/0/x Cannon Rouge x/x/0/0 Hell Raygun and Laser 40h+ Charge Arms 50h Excalibur w/ AB post or pm if you have any of these items. thanks.
  14. what if it was suppose to be a 50h but it got down tekked to 30h, that would be brutal lol
  15. DVS

    S/T> 6 DT's

    all sold, closed, ty
  16. DVS

    S/T> 6 DT's

    looking for 6 pd's per DT or looking for : any hit heaven striker hell laser 40h+ post or pm. thanks!
  17. i was just in this game with you, so funny you ended up finding him, and he ends up being a hacker...rofl
  18. close purchased in game, ty
  19. DVS

    S> 10 DT's

    sold ty, please close.
  20. DVS

    S> 10 DT's

    Looking for 6 pd's per DT. PM me if interested in trading. Thanks!
  21. DVS

    B> RA Gear

    damn just HU's I see, thanks for that info I honestly didn't know haha.
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