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Everything posted by chantalle_lizette@hotmail.com

  1. Happened to me a few times as well, no the dc part, but the invisible drop.
  2. Red Ring SOLD Glide v00 SOLD I only have the psycho wand now, thanks guys. I'm Looking for Yas 9000 no hit and Demon mech guns so we can lower the price on the items if you have 'em.
  3. S>Glide v00 Pm me with offer.

  4. S>Glide v00, Psycho wand & Red Ring Min pm me.

  5. Hello, may I join as well? I have xtra time to play c-mode.
  6. CCA + looks awesome, nice work lemon! good too see players taking their time to do something cool for the PSO community!
  7. S>Glide v00 Pm me with offer.

  8. B>Arrest Needle(any stats) pm me.

  9. Ola gente, boa tarde. Estou querendo fazer a quest C-mode para obter armas S-rank, alguem toparia formar um time? Posso jogar todos os dias da semana, Comentem aqui ou me mandem uma mensagem! Adoraria tem alguem com experiencia nos mapas! Joguei muito tempo no Dreamcast, mas nao lembro muito bem os mapas. Obrigada Chanti
  10. B>Arrest Needle(any stats) pm me.

  11. banana cannon! hahahahahaha really cool
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