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Posts posted by beezemanjones

  1. 11 minutes ago, LunarFrost said:

    I mainly used HUnewearl (Stella) on my GC save, so I'm bringer her over to this version.

    If you mean  that you are going to continue playing this type of character then awesome! Sadly Ultima does not have character transfer for other systems to this server. But EXP goes fast here so you'll be caught up pretty quick. Welcome! hope you enjoy your time here! also...



  2. Selling Guld Milla 35/0/0/40/61. Looking for 60 DTS considering I probably put over 60 anyways.


    Alternatively willing to workout a deal. I'm looking for high hit Asteron Striker, high hit hell supressed gun, or a Demon Yas with good hit. Just PM me if interested.


    PLUS. If you trade me for this i'll quote lines from it's always sunny and trailer park boys on command whenever you see me in game or IRL. I will also dance for your amusement on command as well.

    • Dw 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, mudkipzjm said:

    Razonde 30 is really hard to find. They typically go for 5 dts, so right now it's not too bad.

    Good to know. No offense meant. I was just perplexed XD

  4. 7 hours ago, O9B066 said:

    I'll take the pwand 


    Excellent. I will be on in about a hour and a half.

    19 hours ago, mudkipzjm said:

    I'll take the Deva

    I'll be on in a hour and a half or so.

    20 hours ago, McLaughlin86 said:

    double cannon you cuck

    I don't understand? Are you calling me a double cannon cuck or you want the double cannon and I'm a cuck? xD Either way, I'll be on in about a hour and a half.

    On 8/28/2017 at 6:05 PM, Kamuy said:

    Power Material x21 >>>4pds all <3

    I'll be on in a hour and a half or so.

  5. Just some things I'm trying to sell.

    Everything not labeled with a price is 1 Photon Drop.



    Diska of Braveman 0/35/30/25/0

    Diska of Braveman 0/0/45/0/40 

    Hell Laser 0/50/0/50/30 >>>5pds

    Earth Wand Brownie 0/65/0/0/0

    Psycho Wand 40/0/40/0/0 >>>15pds

    Monkey King Bar 50/0/0/0/0

    Berdysh 0/45/40/0/0

    Heaven Striker 0/0/30/40/0 >>>10pds

    Daylight Scar 0/0/0/0/30 

    Dragon Slayer 0/40/0/30/0

    Double Cannon 0/35/30/0/25 >>>5pds

    Red Sword 0/0/0/85/0 




    Yellow Merge

    Striker Plus


    Cent/Power x5>>>3pds

    Deva Forest Green 5/131/64/0 >>>15pds


    Shifta 15 

    Zonde 20 

    Barta 29

    Jellen 29

    Zonde x2 29

    Gibarta 29

    Zonde 29

    Razonde 29

    Gifoie 29

    Foie 29

    Resta x2 30

    Jellen 30 >>>2pds

    Zalure 30 >>>2pds

    Power Material x45 >>>5 Mats to 1pd

    Mind Material x34 >>> 5PDs all

    Cell of MAG 213

    Heart of Opa Opa

    Delsaber’s Left Arm x2

    Dragon’s Claw

    Part of Baranz >>>5pds

    Gi Gue’s Body

    Sinow Berill’s Arm x3

    Gal Gryphon’s Wing

    Pioneer Parts

  6. Kindof ironic your display name is patient gameplay because thats exactly what PSO requires XD. A little bit of advice might be to name your rooms NEW PLAYER or NEED HELP. People will usually join and help how they can. Additionally in the lobby ask around for someone to carry a couple rounds of TTF. Its a boss rush and it will level you quite quickly. Good luck see you around!

  7. I'm up-voting this Shoddy because first off, finding lore and purpose in video games has always been the reason I've pursued them. I love the thrill of trying to find hidden meanings and events the game creators adding hoping people would search for. secondly, The hidden door always puzzled and perplexed my friends and I on Gcube. We loved trying to find out the origins of SPECIAL WEAPONS as well and the way the whole story mode got us so amped. I remember the first time we finally hit all three beacons to open ruins and we got into ruins we were so amazed. Finally, arriving at Dark Falz with that final room gave us an excitement we'd never had before. Sadly, as much fun as all the buildup was, we were disappointed to find once we defeated Falz, not only on normal, but on hard and very hard as well no crazy weapons or drops were given. As you had mentioned it is a very strong online game similar to World of Warcraft IMO because it requires so much grinding to find one certain weapon you want let alone the right stats. Anyways, my rambling (may) is done. Love the easter eggs and spooky theories. Lets keep them going!

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