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Steven Rogers

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Everything posted by Steven Rogers

  1. Im still here. My last fight kinda took a bit more out of me then what I thought.
  2. Boogieman of Silent Hill or if that is to long Silent Hills Boogieman
  3. i will tell you eh story and its a big one. I used to believe in fate. I believed in the stars. I believed in destiny. In 2007 I met this girl. I met her online. I thought we had kicked it off. We had spent a lot of time online together. We would play games. We would talk on ventrilo for hours. One day I was looking into learning German. I don't know. It was something that I was doing. It turns out, that her dad was German and that she served in an air force base in Germany. The next week, I could not stop thinking about diabetic Ketoacidosis and it turns out her booster was real bad diabetic, like lose his foot bad. The next week, I was talking about becoming a military contractor and she said that I should talk to her brother the contractor. It was as if the stars had aligned and that the heavens was shining a light down on me and that the world was smiling at me. In thanksgiving 2008, there was an attack on a base in Mumbai (Bombay ) India. Her base was put on high alert. I told her that if I had to, I would come keep her safe, even if that mint that I would dawn a sword and protect her with it. The first week of January in 2009, it was like the 4th or the 6th or something. I put it on the line. I told her how I felt and she said no. She said that she was a woman but she lived her life as a man and that she considered herself a man. She then said she would never have any kinda feelings for me ever and left my life. For the next week, I laid in a dark room. I just set there and listened to AC DC and other old music. I had no desire to live. When I came out, I was a different person. A monster. Someone who hated the world and wanted it to suffer. I wanted the people in it to suffer the pain that I was going threw. 2 weeks later, I was in a flea market. There in the booth it laid. The sword of evils bane. I real life replica full sized Master Sword. I figured that it was used to protect a princess many many times over the years that IDK, maybe one day I would get a chance to use it to protect my princess.
  4. www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh_j9xrwUb0
  5. You will do awesome. If you have any trouble then dont be afraid to ask anyone for help.
  6. Welcome to the world of locked rooms my man. Dont be afraid to ask anyone for help. This is a friendly gaming community.
  7. Magi here Guild card number 42121803. I am now using an adapt and a Glide from the guild bank. Time to level up the low levels.
  8. Hey thanks Mio for telling me how to say that. IDK if you will ever read this but from the boogeyman of silent hill to you, thank you for teaching me to say that.
  9. Cal is there any way I can talk you into letting me use 2 items from the bank?
  10. If anyone has a Pwand they can add to the bank, feel free to add it so I can check it out. I dont expect these back or anything I found 3 started mags in the caves this morning in crates so if anyone wants them, I will give out 2 of them to the members of unbreakable but just not to the same person. The last one is for Alice who some of you all have met.
  11. Put me a v801 and glide divine in reserve until next week can you?
  12. It was good seeing you back. I am the hedgehog force you was playing with when the other forces dropped right before last boss in that TTF.
  13. I dont believe in happiness.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylph777


      Why ? because life is dark ? then it belongs only to you to let light penetrate your heart.. Most of the time, we don't find peace and happiness because we look in the wrong places and we are not content with what we have. To be happy we need to be loved, understood, protected and keep an attitude of gratitude and humility.. but we cannot receive without giving anything..

    3. Sylph777


      and for begin to give with the right attitude of the heart ( in love ), we must fight all our bad habits and sins, all those things which defile man : pride, hatred, slander, mockery , resentments, lies, jealousy and envy, perversion and debauchery.. nobody can be happy by doing evil... why? because their conscience accuse them and they feel condemned..

    4. Sylph777


      so the beginning of happiness begins by sowing.. sow seeds of love : to act justly and to run away from evil brings peace, seek purity and holiness brings joy, gives and you will receive, love and you will be loved because the sacrifices are better than words. Happiness is not a concept but rather a strenght based on these principles. Peace be upon you steven

  14. No I am sorry. I dont have any screenshots.
  15. Hello All who ready. In game, you guys know me as Magi so I had a weird bug. I joined a room that the host left today. Soon after another player joined the room. Her name was Lira. We talked for a few minuets until my phone ran calling me into work. We just stood there talking to each other like we normally do because we play alot and all of a sudden a quest started. The quest was the one where the forest is full of monsters and you have to rid them out. I cant think of the name right now. Nether one of us was in the quest start room. We was at the area where the telepipes appear. We go to the forest to see what the deal and all of a sudden, it started showing the names of members who left the room and saying they was finding rare and unique items. She said that she didn't have any idea what was going on either. If you all need to look up anything, my guild card is 42121803
  16. I have a wireless 360 controller that I connect threw a plug and play cable. Will that work and I am on windows 8.1 so how can I assign the controller to controller 1
  17. The shineing solar elemental her has arrived.. In game, I am Magishine. The name comes from a power ranger that I watched growing up I bought PSO brand new for my Dreamcast the day it came out back in 2000. I loved playing it. This is day 3 for me. I have met some good people and you are so friendly. I have had plently of help learning the game again. I am going to message some of my old PSO friends and see if they want to come back. Drop in my room sometime. You will know its mine cause of the name. "Go Team Fast" Also, if this game will work with a PS3 controller then let me know please. Someone said they used there 360 controller and I have one of those to but its the wiressless one that has the plug and play. If someone can talk me threw setting up the game to work with either one of those controlles then let me know.
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