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Everything posted by NOFEAR

  1. Let me think about it, since glide divine isnt in my top priority wants.
  2. I was putting grinders on bank and got disconected (i reached 200 items i guess but not sure) When I come back all items dissapeared. My whole equipment dissapeared. I didnt get ??? items, just dissapeared my inventory except for some grinders still in inventory. Items I lost : Double Cannon 0 0 0 0 35 Chain Sawd 30 20 0 0 LK&38 Combat Blackhound Cuirass 4 slots Heavenly Battle Heavenly Ability x3 Rati 200 Thats some of items, cant recall all. I didnt have pictures of the items itself (nothing spectacular) , just a picture when come back to lobby with no equipment just grinders, but I traded that Double Cannon few days ago from Oswald, he can vouch. 20-25 min ago from this post (0:15 am Spanish time) Character name : NO FEAR Id : 42091317 Slot 1 Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. I expect to get something else from my wants instead of PDs.
  4. Up for trade/sell the following items : Adept Adept Limiter Rico's Earring Sorcerer's Cane S-Red's Blade Asteron Belt 15 0 0 0 Egg Blaster 50 45 0 0 50 Siren Glass Hammer 40 20 30 0 (not sure about exact %s) Canon Rouge +30 LK&38 Combat (various stats) Silence Claw 0 0 0 0 75 Diska of Braveman 0 0 0 0 50 Agastya lv 200 Mag 10 140 50 0 (Mylla&Youlla, Estlla, Golla) From the Depths Rappy lv 200 Mag 5 157 38 0 (Mylla&Youlla,Estlla,Pilla) Rappy lv 200 Mag 5 135 60 0 (Mylla&Youlla,Estlla,Pilla) Shouren Electro Frame 4 slots (5PDs) Crimson Coat 4 slots (8PDs) Aura Field 4 slots (10PDs) Amplifier of Foie Amplifier of Barta Amplifier of Gifoie WANTS (in order of priority) : PGF ( I offer all in that list + 50PDs + 50PCs for one ) Red Ring Canon Rouge hit S-Rank Needle (demon, berserk,hell) Snow Queen 40hit + Kit of mark 3 or 5 0 0 195 Mind Mag Spread Needle hit Excalibur hit Mother Garb+ Glide Divine Ice Sword, Soul Edge, Devil's Beam, Shadow Sniper, Charge Vulcan, Seize Launcher, no matter %'s 3x Luck Material PDs
  5. Sorry to say but Lame worth more than 15 PDs, even a 0% one
  6. I just want some PDs, gracias ^^

    San Valentin

    No tengo ni idea, pero se podria hacer algun evento para San Valentin en el que se tenga que jugar en coordinacion personajes femeninos y masculinos? No recuerdo que era pero habia una mision en la que no se podian separar mucho el personaje masculino del femenino para poder conseguir una armadura (sweetheart?) o algo asi. Alguna idea de algo parecido? Y seria posible?
  8. Hello Os, I want the 2 luck material
  9. Striker Plus for your Pow and HP materials
  10. NOFEAR

    S> PGF

    RR + 2xAdept + 40 PDs
  11. Ok. I will be online in a hour or so
  12. NOFEAR

    Christmas Fiasco

    Why has been Christmas Fiasco quest removed? >< I liked this quest, and was nice to hunt some items in caves-mines. Would come back?
  13. I have 2 of them. I dont know, just make an offer
  14. Selling Gratia, want just some PDs.
  15. No hago nada mas que ver armas en las tradelist con stats como : 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 10 15 Bueno ahi va un consejo para los que no lo sepan. Cuando encontrais cualquier arma que necesite de tekker para descubrirla ( Special Weapon & calibur, arms, diskas, etc) fijaros si tiene stats antes de llevarla al Tekker. Si tiene stats, sean los que sean, no os conformeis con lo primero que os de el Tekker. Todas las armas tienen un 10% mas en el area en la cual tengan atributos. Es decir que si un pazuzu nos suelta una viviene que untekked tiene : 0 0 15 0 25 teneis que decir todo el rato que no al Tekker hasta que salga de la mejor manera posible que seria 0 0 25 0 35 ( 10% mas donde tenia porcentajes). A veces hay que tener paciencia hasta que salen los atributos deseados. Se que es la regla de oro de PSO pero como veo muchas armas que han sido mal tekeadas entiendo que mucha gente no lo sabe ( o son perezosos jajjaja)
  16. Agreed Subbie. L&K38 should get nerfed, 50% of server is using these weapon in every party. And like you said, makes the 2 best mechguns Mille Marteaux and Guld Milla useless. And of course no point in Red Mechgun, Rage de Feu, Yasminkov 9000 and so... So a readjusment of L&K38 should be made.
  17. Mag finished. White Agastya 5 125 70 0 Mylla&Youlla, Estlla and Pilla. There are some items in your tradelist that interest me : Double Canon Canon Rouge Blackhound Cuirass V101 I can add something to get some of this, also we can meet in game to discuss. Im on at 10pm (EUR zone)
  18. Your Mag is almost ready. It took me more than I spected because I didnt play much those days. Anyways here the final stats : White Agastya 5 125 70 0 with Mylla&Youlla, Estlla and Pilla photon blasts. I can do it 75 dex if desired. We can discuss about trade
  19. White Agastya X 120ish 70 0 with twins, estlla and another one, i will try to dont get golla. Is good enought?
  20. Sorry but I have to decline the offer. My apologies.
  21. If you give some time i will do your mag.
  22. I want to buy that shifta 20.
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