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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2015 in Posts

  1. i have a excalibur 0/0/35/50 no hit, its yours if you want it. go ahead and use the 20dts to add hit on it.
    3 points
  2. version 3: -difficulties are now sorted by difficulty. -pressing esc on any select will remove any chosen option UPDATE V3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zpu2x9bwqoheqh5/pso%20drops3.rar?dl=0
    2 points
  3. So.... we do night roct... and wtf and this was a few days ago... but figured would upload anyways
    2 points
  4. Excalibur is good to hunt for. Well generally the best quest for fighting Dorphons is MA4DMD, but a level 125 HUcaseal will have some trouble surviving in that quest. Make sure you have some decent guns. Charged Raygun, Charged Vulcan, Hell Raygun and Last Swan are good options. Make sure they have hit if possible. Using the unit SMARKLINK can also come in handy. Confuse traps will come in handy. Weapons will Demon or Arrest specials will help kill Dorphons quickly. Since you're skyly, you could also hunt for red sword/chain sawd by playing ultimate caves. I bet either of those swords would help you. The cool thing about hunting lame, is that you can get daylight scar, cent/ability, BLUE ODOSHI VIOLET NIMAIDOU and Vivienne at the same time all of which could be helpful for a HUcaseal.
    2 points
  5. Ok, so I can't count how many times I've had to explain to people how to do these quests, so that you can CONVERT ENEMY BODY PARTS INTO BLUDGEONING DEVICES. WHAT FUN. Simply follow the advice included within the following pictures, and you should be well on your way to a long and boring string of long and boring quests, just so you can whack people over the noggin with a Bear arm. : D yay In Single Person mode of course... I do hope this tutorial has made some sense to you, and has explained what all needs to be done so you may be part animal. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to GET EATEN BY A BOOMA ask for help. C:
    1 point
  6. I'll take the ashura mag cell for 3 pds.
    1 point
  7. looking now :L
    1 point
  8. As the topic says I'm buying a spread needle with hit % and I will pay with dts. Ideally with no other percents or native/dark edit: got the other stuff.
    1 point
  9. Looks nice, though I would change some minor things like Making the episodes, difficulty, IDs a dropdown box. And put 100 results by default. Putting the search form at the top A button to clear all filters But yeah, I like it and I will implement it into the droptable when I get some time.
    1 point
  10. I got a 0/0/40/0 excal but it is prettier than everyone else's
    1 point
  11. Sometimes I accidentally press my moon button too many times and use at least 2 on one revival
    1 point
  12. oh haha, that always catches some people . Glad its fixed, enjoy the game!
    1 point
  13. Pretty powerful stuff is in this topic, I'm always glad people it with us ^^
    1 point
  14. Way to soldier on, Spectral, you got mad respect from the fine folks here as well as myself. Keep on keepin' on! As for myself, nothing as potent as the above, or probably not important at all. *shrugs* My hands hurt a bit, so I'll give you the abridged version: I'm 31, Gemini, been playing games since I was 3 with the ol' Atari. Straight, Cis, white, etc. etc. (Sorry, habit. Tumblr is a toxic world, tread with care) I have a dry, sarcastic, almost British sense of humor. I finished high school. Hey... Why am I listing crap? Because, until recently, I was a very sheltered boy, and didn't know a lot of anything. Back in '96, my mother was diagnosed with MS(Multiple Sclerosis), likely triggered from the stress brought on from the abusive relationship she was in at the time. I took it upon myself to take care of her, and for a time, all was well. But long story short, she slowly got worse, to the point that I had to have her put into a nursing home to heal and mend. Turns out there was a lot more wrong with her than we knew, because she never went to a doctor(combination of lack of knowledge of insurance coverage and her own fear of hospitals). Things quickly slid down from there. I'm trying not to come off as a sob story, so I'll wrap things up here. Basically, the house got foreclosed, because her SSI money all went to her care, the State literally told me not to care for her after this(now she's been in and out of the home twice, and Michigan is REAL strict when it comes to anything that could be seen as elder abuse, even if it's not), and if not for a VERY good friend/ex, I would be homeless right now. I've had to learn to deal with depression without meds, because they have a history of jacking me up, so things like this are an outlet to keep me sane. Ok, I'm done wasting your time with meaningless banter. Back to the killin'!
    1 point
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