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Recovering a character > Need rollback

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Hello, I'm posting on my friends behalf since he has high doubt, but apperently when he went to change his character looks, he spacifically hit the button to do so but for some reason he was ressetted back to level one. Is it possible to get his character back, with stats and items? If so, I'll reply this post with his guild ID # and such.


Guild Card: 42101879

Character Slot: The Top Slot (1st Slot)

Server time of the bug occurrence was around 12:00 AM on 08/01/13.

Thank you very much, for taking the time to read these posts and correct the problem!!
Edited by vampirewolfy
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You sure he didn't hit the "recreate character" button?

He told me when he was taken into the dressing room, the only options avilable were changing his costume and his hair color, then when he hit okay it started showing the intro again.

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To clarify, I'm the friend wolfy is referring to; however, I did click Dressing Room. I was given the options as mentioned, hair and costume. The title within that window was DRESSING ROOM. When I finished I was given a glimpse of my character overall and then I was directed back to the loading screen (the ball of light) and straight to the Lobbies. I looked through some rooms to check where my friend was residing. Then I exited the window, but noticed my lvl was at level 1. I made a quick room and checked my character's bank to be completely emptied from what held about 95,000 mesetas and a small list of items stored. The fortunate thing was that the common bank's items and mesetas were not emptied so I'm glad to see that. But if it's possible to retrieve my character's level back I'd most appreciate it!

Edited by Tripleg123
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Just out of curiosity, how long did you stay in the dressing room? (more or less than 15 minutes?)

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Just something I heard on another server, that the game would flush your data to the database after getting about 15 minutes idle in the dressing room. But since you seem sure to have stayed less long it's prob unrelated. Can you post your

  • Guildcard : 42101879
  • Character slot : ?
  • Server time of the bug occurrence : ?

So you can get a rollback. Also, don't play on that character for now.

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I've already play a couple of hours but nothing too far, my apologies if that affects the likelihood of returning the character back to its original state. However, thank you for the feedback. To answer the bullet points:

Guild Card: 42101879

Character Slot: The Top Slot (1st Slot)

Server time of the bug occurrence was around 12:00 AM on 08/01/13.

Thank you very much, for taking the time to read these posts and correct the problem!!

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No problem, now it's just a matter of time till Protoss sees this topic and performs the rollback. As for not playing on the character, it's just cause any progress on the character won't be saved anyway (up until the moment of the bug).

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You can play on other characters without a problem, and normally Protoss will say something along the lines of "Rollback done, confirm if solved". Thing is, it might take a little while before he comes online and sees this topic.

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