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Phantasy Star Portable 2



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  1. 1. If you had a PSP, would you try out playing PSPo2?

    • Yes
    • Maybe, how bad is the hacking?
    • No.

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Ok so.... does anyone play this game?

Well I do but here is the sad reality....

9 out of 10 players CHEATS with psp hacks, the number of legit players is too damn low

and is decreasing because out of the 9 people that hack at least 3-4 of them are true a**holes

things are not that grim though.... legit people who still play (myself included)

are trying to find "safe" rooms where we can join and play kicking any hackers in the process,

we are few... but hey this is a fun game and it's a shame it goes down because of noobish idiots who reached level 200 by killing only 1 enemy and calling themselves PRO.

HOW TO PLAY PSPo2 (online)

you need,

-1 PSP (well duh)

-1 psn active account (if you got CFW there are workarounds for this but due to ruling im not allowed to tell any here)

- Good internet connection, basically a wireless connection point for your PSP, if you have a laptop and it's wireless then you're all set.

the Phantasy Star Portable 2 game, you can get it from the PSN or other shady methods I am also NOT gonna explain here at all.


Basically once you have your player all set and ready for the online, On your character's menu you have 3 modes.... story, multiplayer and online, go for online.

now log in to your PSN account. and if all goes well you should be on the online menu where you can look for other people to play with.

here's the thing.... finding good players to hang out and play with is getting hard, and most of the rooms you can clearly see are hacked. so a major concern right now is that if any of you joined

to avoid hackers and can tell a hacker from a legit.


first of all... you got 2 levels... your character level and the type level.... max char level is 200 and max type level is 30

so if you see in a party a lv 200 with low type level or vice versa.... that person is a hacker or has been hacked (yes you can get hacked as well)

Legit people names are totally white... Like... random person appears with white letters but if you find other users with colorful names or with weird symbols

Here is a brief list of other hack attempts

-Exp Rate:

Basicly the rates for the Exp cheats are(if i remember correctly)

2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x, 102x, and 132x.

(cheat affects all players)

-Job Rate:

Basicly the same idea for the exp rate cheat/hack but it go for your job points that you gain and the rates are the same.

2x, 4x, 8x, 32x, 64x, 102x, and 132x.

(cheat affects all players)

-Rare Drop rate:

What this cheat enables is for all users to obtain the highest level(best) drop that the monster can provide. for example, lets say you go and kill a Delnadian with a hunter being the drop list, the best item he will provide you will be DelnadiBlaze.

(this cheat affects all players but it wont effect Box Drops including the boss drops)

-Normal Drop rate:

This one may sound like it's not a bad thing but trust me it is. basicly what this cheat enables is that the mob only drops rare items. side from the rare drop rate cheat, this would enable you to get any rare from the mob. it just depends on rank of the items. it will cause you to get something from mobs instead of nothign at all.

(cheat affects all players except box drops including boss boxes)

-60% element:

this one is pretty easy to understand. basicly what happens is that when a item drops and what ever the element is, the % will always be 60% except for Neutral will not be 60%.

(affects only the cheater/party leader)

-Inf PP:

basicly the game does not allow the pp for the cheater to drop. as hard as he/she tries to waste their PP Gadge, it will not drop.

(affects only party leader/cheater)

-Inf Blast:

When you see a player using his/her photon blast/ what ever every like 40 seconds or so, that means that this cheat is in affect. The Photon Blast gadge is set to refill itself almost instantly when this cheat is on.

(affects only party leader/cheater, onces the user has died once in a mission, the cheat is disabled)

-Disk Drop Rate:

When you see a bunch of disks just droping in a game but no weapons or mates or even armors, know this cheat is enabled. basicly makes it so that monsters only drop the disks they are set to drop.

(affects all party members but not the box and boss boxes)

-Inf Items:

this cheat is pretty easy to understand too. you don't have to worry about this cheat from what i understand because it does not work online. What happens is that when you have lets say a item that can stack like a Red Ticket. When the user gains a item like this, the stack will go from 1 to the max.

this cheat just makes the game unfair for a lot of people cause a person can get a Photon Code and instantly get 999 on it or what ever

(does not affect anyone other then the cheater on offline mode)

-Max Weapon stats:

(i do not remember the exact name for this cheat, i just know what it does)

What this cheat does is it allows the user to upgrade a item and it will instantly get all of the stats on it (basicly Acc and Atk or even tech i think) to 9999. basicly if you ever wondered why people can do around 2k dmg with just normal attacks without a chain is because they have a weapon like this.

This cheat only works when the cheater upgrades a item at the weapon NPC

(does not affect all players. i think it doesn't, i should only work offline)

-Max Charater stats:

Pretty easy, just maxes out or makes the characters stats 9999 from what i understand.

(only affects the leader/cheater)

-Rare Map:

this cheat is weird, it's not very forward when it comes to using it from what i understand. from people posting it seems that you would have to play 3 missions in a row to get different styles of rare maps.

for example

First run would be Olga Dyran, Second run would be the pizza shop(i think) and 3rd run would be rare monsters in the game

(affects the whole party on and offline mode)

-Exact Item Drop:

Basically, you can make any item you want to drop on ANY enemy (except bosses or clear boxes, I think). Example: Let's say you run Undersea Ruins C and activate this cheat to make Tsumikiri Hyori drop, then you go and kill the first spawn of Evil Sharks, and viola! you got some Tsumikiri Hyoris without any sweat and ghey Shizurus to deal with.

(affects offline mode but no word on it affecting all players online, my guess is it does)

-Sayo 999% cheat

from what i understand, people are saying that this cheat allows Sayo to give you any of her blessings but with the twist of the percent always being 999%. meaning PP reduction 999%, rare drop rate 999%, hp 999%, def 999%.

(affects all online please, only if you are present in the party when leader pays for a blessing)

taken from pso-world as they know lots of this detection crap

hacks affect all the party so either disband or kick the hacker,

also BACKUP your saves often

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Just pulled this off XD

it's harder than it looks XD

-.- thats a move the boss does, i had psp,2 and hack pspi2 but i sold my PSP.

the boss is like lvl69 i think cant tell crappy video. but that boss is in PSU and psp and does the same moves if cant even kill you if you have some a-rank sanji armor

and the game lags and it shows ppl having no HP just like on PsoB

and hacking on psp2 and pspi is fun and easy just like hacking on psobb

Edited by Niyuki
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most if not all moves are perfect blockable.... but the timing on that one is trickier since the camera moves out of your range.

besides... there's also splash damage that follows which is also p.blockable but thats pretty much when I do get hit XD

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the thing is if you played PSu or PsPi/2 you know that dulk F. is easy with a hunter job and a beast character your safe if you have the right gear and LvL

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I can solo it as a Vanguard with burst bomber + dus skadd + assault crush.

has a very spammable line pattern.

same for orga angelus..... the bosses that are really troublesome for me are flying ones and certain mechs

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mech bosses have always been hard in phantasy star games other then Vol in psobb. i find mobs that fly to be most "rage makers" and when your all melee its hell

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