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Inventory Limit Reached (No Connection Available)


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I had a ???? item in my bank. I pulled it out to drop it, but it never showed up in my inventory. Since then, if I end up having 30/30 items in my inventory, the 30th item is never picked up. Instead, I get disconnected from the server with an error "Inventory Limit Reached" and "No Connection Available." I have tried to deposit all of my items in the bank, quit, sign off, and sign back on, but this doesn't fix the problem.

Is there any way you can wipe the character inventory (not either of my banks) to remove this invisible ???? item? I'm sure it somehow is attached to my character inventory and is causing me to randomly disconnect when I pick up a 30th item.

Edit: Nevermind. The ???? item showed up again and I was able to drop it. The problem is now fixed.

Edited by kajex
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