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Items Gone

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This should probably go up on the Technical Support forum. Also, you might want to put more details into this for the GMs, like when did you last notice your items missing? Is it just exclusively inventory items, or is this character/common banks included? Also they'll need to know your guild card as well to investigate.

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Guildcard is 42195513

I replaced most of the items myself, I don't think a rollback is warranted in this case, but it's a very odd thing indeed. Some weird behavior at save&quit, says they got a blue flash and then back to windows.

If it happens again let us know.

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4 hours ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

Guildcard is 42195513

I replaced most of the items myself, I don't think a rollback is warranted in this case, but it's a very odd thing indeed. Some weird behavior at save&quit, says they got a blue flash and then back to windows.

If it happens again let us know.

weird... so the accounts was just empty or hard some bug items?

19 minutes ago, Lupus San said:

estou aqui para dizer que o meus itens tabem tinha sumido porem eu desconectei e conectei e voltarão ao lugar so uma crush cannon que nao achei mais isso e triste esta acorrendo este bug >[

só pra ter certeza. Você está atualmente afetado por este erro?

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It was a few items in their inventory, their bank was still intact. I think it must have been an error during save&quit from the sound of it. Most of it was small stuff that i could easily hunt in a few minutes while they waited on me to do so

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bom amigos os meus itens voltarão porem um unico item que nao acho mais e crush cannon porem deixei para la porque eu não tenho print do item e nao tenho como provar que estava no meu banco a não ser que vocês pesquisem no banco de dados do jogo mais tudo bem porque os itens que sumirão ontem eu ja recuperei eu desconectei e reconectei ao jogo ai volto todos os itens que sumirão em questão porem e estranho nois estavamos usando trade normalmente ai quando usamos pela ultima vez vi que nao estava no meu inventario e então vim ao forum relatar o erro ai depois de 30min voltei ao jogo e desconectei e reconectei ai sim todos os itens que estavam fora do meu inventario tinham voltado para seu devido lugar agradeço pela a tenção <3 <3 <3

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