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Weapons Gold badge

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Hello Everyone !:)

Someone can help me about the weapons gold badge?

Can be used here?

And where?  

Thanks :cr-dancing:

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ok, thank you Fyrewolf5

Also, the NPC near the bank (The one that exchanges your badges) mentions something about a "Master" and who knows what else. What's all that about? Is there some other place where I can exchange the badges as the NPC says? A different quest, maybe?

Edited by Ana G.5
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well, in dc version, you could trade some of them, like 3 or 4 for a weak shield 20 edk res, and them when the shield was equiped you traded for a little better stuff in an offlline question , in a sequence of 3 more badges each until you get some gold shield or whatever it was.  in BB version, i really dont know is use

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4 hours ago, Ana G.5 said:

ok, thank you Fyrewolf5

Also, the NPC near the bank (The one that exchanges your badges) mentions something about a "Master" and who knows what else. What's all that about? Is there some other place where I can exchange the badges as the NPC says? A different quest, maybe?

Maybe you should explore and find out ;)

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