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Change Log


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- After the restart of today, the changes in 2 posts ago are applied.
- Changed the stack amount of several tool groups, nothing the users should be worried about, this should fix Pioneer Halloween.

- Changed the hotkey of the HUD from Control + V to Control + H.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Posting this ahead of time so I don't forget.

- Improved drop generation code, hopefull will address certain not so apparent issues
- Updated PPP, quest made by Lemon
- Added BBB, quest made by Lemon (this quest will be under battle mode, might be also under Episode 1 Ultima)

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- Updated Launcher and DLL to handle custom items from the registry. You can find personalization options in Launcher > Options > Personalization.The old mods.ini file won't be used, files not present in the launcher options you may replace them.

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Server - Ship
- Fixed a potential crash issues when warping after a lobby event change (related to the client, but solved server side)
- Fixed bug introduced in the last update of the individual drops code, related to episode 4 monster remapping.

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  • 1 month later...

Has been a while since I don't post here.

- Due to more users presenting issues with the screenshot code, it will be removed, this means the screenshots will be back to the originals in bmp format.
- Improved the stackable checks code.

- The latest issues with losing items will be resolved in the next server restart.
- Added a mnissing space in the block information.
- Fixed an issue with the sort items function.

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  • 1 month later...

The Launcher was updated with 2 new options, Crash Dumps and Test Server.

- Crash dumps will enable the saving of crash dumps if the client crashes, this could help us to identify a problem and maybe fix it. I don't think this option will work on windows XP though.
- Test Server is an option to connect a test server instance that will be enabled sometime soon. This won't be connected to the main server and any progress wont be saved, a page to create accounts for this test instance will be enabled soon, too.

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The "test server" is now online.
To be able to play on it, register an account here, then enable the option "Test Server" in the launcher options.

Once in game use the command /help to see what commands you can use in game.
You can also use all the commands that appear here

Added 2 more commands (only available on the test server), clearcm and fov, you can read about them in the commands page.

You can use this tool to generate items.

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New Ship
Fixed an issue where players casting Twins would get disconnected, also, if the player cast Leilla or Pilla the ship could crash.
Also added a slight delay between a the last packet before disconnecting a player, if this packet happened to be a message window it would not appear (if the network is fast enough).

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New Ship
- Added banner color formatting.
- Fixed error when combining items, was double deleting the used item if it was a tool, was NOT deleting it if it wasn't a tool.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After quite some work, today I put up a new test ship, 100% C# code.
It's for the most part complete... all special quests should work as expected and general gameplay too however it's missing some commands like matcount and that kind of stuff.
Item, goe and some others are implemented to make the testing easier.

Due to an incompatibility of the new ship, the database had to be reset meaning you will have to re-register your account.
Other than that, just need testing to find bugs and stuff I might have missed.

One thing is not on this ship is challenge mode or battle mode so don't bother reporting anything about that (I should disable the creation of games in those modes)

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Test Ship

- Quests in solo and government are not all unlocked.
- Added /lobby for non-quest party state, some people are experiencing issues with this, I haven't been able to reproduce the problems so can't fix it yet.
- Added a timer-on-demand, you can start, stop and hide it with the command "/timer"... the timer will stop automatically if the quest flag for fail or success is set. The timer is not synchronized between clients, if you start it, it will start only in your client. Later on we'll make this in a different way so it starts with the quest and stuff...
- Added /pk so you can hit other people, it's toggled only when everyone in the party toggled it
- Anything else I have done and forgot to list here.

Some of the changes in this post require a client update, so they might not be available yet.

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Test Ship

- Fixed bug where dropping stackable items in an area different than Pioneer2 would get the wrong item count and try to drop thousands of items (which is obviously impossible) denying the drop and warning the player.
- Added help for some commands as well as authorization levels, if you can't use a command or it doesn't exist, you wont receive any help. 
- Removed the timer on demand, it will be used only during quests and will be mainly controlled by the ship, in a future update you will be able to request a timer and have the ship automatically start it, upon quest completion or failure it will be stopped. Along these notes, a quest timer will be implemented server side, there is no development on it yet.


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- Added "Rare Special" option that makes the game show weapon specials when they are 9 stars or above (by default they are not shown). Note that if a weapon has an special by default, for example Excalibur that has berzerk, the special won't be shown.

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