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Official event topic is here! Last year's drop tables are here! Please post with the section ID and difficulty of any event drops you get, or any monsters that drop their confirmed drop table results!
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The Sunniest event of Ultima has come! Happy summer guys, we hope all members enjoy this event. The staff really wanted to bring something new to the community. It's nothing over power but I'm sure some users will appreciate the work that has been done here. thanks to all Ultima members. You guys really make Ultima the great place that is for all of us! Thanks and Enjoy. Summer Items Centurion/Legs - 75 EVP Centurion/TP - 125 TP Centurion/Technique - 5 Technique Levels Trap Search - Makes traps visible Zanbacon - Delicious sword Summer Main Items Blood Sword Do not underestimate the power of blood... Soul Booster Need a boost on Excalibur? Combine them to obtain Hundred Souls. Psycho Black Crystal Give to your Master Raven the ability to curse your enemies with death by making it Psycho Raven. Centurion/Battle Is this game too slow for you? Then this item is gonna be your best friend! +110% Attack Speed Alis' Resolve Foie +35% Barta +35% Zonde +35% New Content Serene Swan Fight with the serenity of the swan. The blessing on this weapon channels photon energy to purify the corruption in its targets through removal of dark energy. Buffed Monsters Morfos have been genetically enhanced Baranz have been upgraded to a better version ____________________________________ Event is active until August 05, 2019 Credits for the Banner to @FALC0N almost one year creating original content for us man! Credits for the Original Topic to @R-78 Credits for Serene Swan skin and portuguese translation to @Noob Saibot Thanks! Good Luck / Bonne Chance / Buena Suerte / Boa Sorte !
The Sunniest event of Ultima has come! Happy summer guys, we hope all members enjoy this event. The staff really wanted to bring something new to the community. It's nothing over power but I'm sure some users will appreciate the work that has been done here. thanks to all Ultima members. You guys really make Ultima the great place that is for all of us! Thanks and Enjoy. Summer Items Centurion/Legs - 75 EVP Centurion/TP - 125 TP Centurion/Technique - 5 Technique Levels Trap Search - Makes traps visible Zanbacon - Delicious sword Summer Main Items Blood Sword Do not underestimate the power of blood... Soul Booster Need a boost on Excalibur? Combine them to obtain Hundred Souls. Psycho Black Crystal Give to your Master Raven the ability to curse your enemies with death by making it Psycho Raven. Centurion/Battle Is this game too slow for you? Then this item is gonna be your best friend! +110% Attack Speed Alis' Resolve Foie +35% Barta +35% Zonde +35% New Content Serene Swan Fight with the serenity of the swan. The blessing on this weapon channels photon energy to purify the corruption in its targets through removal of dark energy. Buffed Monsters Morfos have been genetically enhanced Baranz have been upgraded to a better version ____________________________________ Event is active until August 05, 2019 Credits for the Banner to @FALC0N almost one year creating original content for us man! Credits for the Original Topic to @R-78 Credits for Serene Swan skin and portuguese translation to @Noob Saibot Thanks! Good Luck / Bonne Chance / Buena Suerte / Boa Sorte ! Discussion Topic
Ultima Summer Forum Minievent 2018 Time grinds all to dust. Tales fade into legends fade into myth. They are all but forgotten. But a glimmer of hope still lies in the hearts of hunters. They believed the stories of yore, of the days when the dankest of warriors would band together to conquer the hearts and minds of the people. But all is not lost, for the prophecies have fortold us that the ancient warriors will return to bless us all with lulz. For when the stars are right, we shall see the rebirth of... Minevent 1 - Ultima Summer Meme Event 4: Resurrection of Revengeance It's Back! The Summer Meme Event has returned for 2018. Submit your best dank memes based on Ultima Server, whether it be Ultima specific Items, Ultima Events, or other Ultima related content. Meme submissions should preferably be based based specifically around Ultima Server and not just Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst in general. The meme events are always great, and I'm sure you all have plenty more to show off still. Prizes: Grand Prize - 1 Centurion/Battle Second Place - 1 Alis' Resolve Consolation Prize - Special Zanbacon Swords for all participants Honorable Mention - TBD Rules: 1. You may submit multiple memes if you are clever enough to think of them, however you may only win one prize per minievent (i.e. can't win both 1st and 2nd place in meme event, can win something in both events). 2. No Stealing! You must design and create your own new meme for this event. Cheating will result in disqualification from both summer minievents. 3. Nothing offensive please. Server rules still apply, so keep it relatively within reason. If you are mocking someone in particular, please make sure they are not offended before submitting. 4. Submissions will run through July 29th. Anything submitted later will not count. Minievent 2 - Ultima's 'Summer Beach Vacation' Screenshot Competition Put together your best summer screenshots from within the 'Festivity on the Beach' quest. This is a very unique quest that allows players to call up several cool effects via special phrases. You can find a nice guide on the special phrases here: (, as well as a secondary less complete guide here: ( Photo editing is encouraged for maximum awesomeness in your pictures. Soly's Launcher.exe has several features you may find useful for taking these pictures, such as the ability to hide the hud and free camera controls. Prizes: Grand Prize - 1 Psycho Black Crystal Second Place - 1 Soul Booster Consolation Prize - Trap Search and new(er) Centurion Stat Units set (1 of each) for all participants Honorable Mention - TBD Rules: 1. You may submit multiple screenshots if you like, however you may only win one prize per minievent (i.e. can't win both 1st and 2nd place in screenshot event, can win something in both events). 2. No Stealing! You must submit your own screenshots for this event. Cheating will result in disqualification from both summer minievents. 3. Photo Editing is encouraged to make your screenshots cooler. 4. That being said, please do not make anything offensive with your editing. Server rules still apply, so keep it relatively within reason. 5. Submissions will run through August 1st. Anything submitted later will not count. If you are looking for inspiration, then perhaps check out these older threads: Good Luck to all users who wish to participate! I am looking forward to all the cool ideas everyone can come up with for this minievent. If we have a ton of submissions, I may add additional prizes. May your memes be dank, and your vacation photos glorious!
Welcome to all Ultima users. We hope you are enjoying the summer event so far, but now it's time for the most anticipated event of the year; the Annual Meme Event has returned! Along with that other minievent that only I care about... It's time to unlearn how to hold Zanbacon's once again! Part 1 - Ultima Summer Meme Event 3: Ragol Drift It's Back! The Summer Meme Event has returned for 2017. Submit your best dank memes based on Ultima Server, whether it be Ultima specific Items, Ultima Events, or other Ultima related content. Meme submissions should preferably be based based specifically around Ultima Server and not just Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst in general. The meme events are always great, and I'm sure you all have plenty more to show off still. Prizes: Grand Prize - 1 Centurion/Battle Second Place - 1 Blood Sword, 30hit and up to 60% total divided in other attributes of winner's choice (no more than three total %'s) Consolation Prize - Special Zanbacon Swords for all participants Rules: 1. You may submit multiple memes if you are clever enough to think of them, however you may only win one prize from each minievent (i.e. can't win both 1st and 2nd place in meme event). 2. No Stealing! You must design and create your own new meme for this event. Cheating will result in disqualification from both summer minievents. 3. Nothing offensive please. Server rules still apply, so keep it relatively within reason. If you are mocking someone in particular, please make sure they are not offended before submitting. 4. Submissions will run through July 9th. Anything submitted later will not count. Part 2 - Ultima's 'Summer Beach Vacation' Screenshot Competition Put together your best summer screenshots from within the 'Festivity on the Beach' quest. This is a very unique quest that allows players to call up several cool effects via special phrases. You can find a nice guide on the special phrases here: (, as well as a secondary less complete guide here: ( Photo editing is encouraged for maximum awesomeness in your pictures. Soly's Launcher.exe has several features you may find useful for taking these pictures, such as the ability to hide the hud and free camera controls. Prizes: Grand Prize - 1 Psycho Black Crystal Second Place - 1 Soul Booster Consolation Prize - Trap Search and new Centurion Units set (1 of each) for all participants Rules: 1. You may submit multiple screenshots if you like, however you may only win one prize from each minievent (i.e. can't win both 1st and 2nd place in screenshot event). 2. No Stealing! You must submit your own screenshots for this event. Cheating will result in disqualification from both summer minievents. 3. Photo Editing is encouraged to make your screenshots cooler. 4. That being said, please do not make anything offensive with your editing. Server rules still apply, so keep it relatively within reason. 5. Submissions will run through July 9th. Anything submitted later will not count. If you are looking for inspiration, then perhaps check out these older threads: Good Luck to all users who wish to participate! I am looking forward to all the cool ideas everyone can come up with for this minievent. If we have a ton of submissions, I may add additional prizes. May your memes be dank, and your vacation photos glorious! Event is Over!
The HOTTEST event of Ultima is here This event includes many things like: Buffed up monsters to fight Random 5x exp Increased Rare monster appearances Regular Event drops Returning items Hundred Souls In celebration of: This year we were really close to hit 200 users online at the same time. If that ever happens, maybe we can come up with another weapon In the meantime three NEW items have been added to the event. Centurion/Legs Centurion/TP Centurion/Technique Drop details are unknown. Stats details: unknown but name of the items pretty much says it all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Sword Forces can prove their effort was not in vein with the power of this weapon! Centurion/Battle Not stopping for speed bumps when you are 110% faster with your attacks! Trap Search Not a droid? Can't see that evil trap on Path to Salvation? Fear no more! No need to use a frame specifically to see the traps! This unit is the solution for all your problems, with at the price of... well you have to hunt it. Psycho Black crystal A cursed crystal with an immense power, using it on a Master Raven will convert it into Psycho Ravens, a powerful weapon to curse your enemies with death! The buffed monsters The new genetically enhanced monster breeds are ready to remove the soul out of your body. Brace yourselves for a good challenge. Morfos Baranz Event is active until July 8 2017
Please use this format: Drop - Enemy - Difficult - Section ID - Episode Don't edit your post to add more confirmations, just make a new post. Summer Drops Soul Booster Psycho Black Crystal Centurion/Battle Centurion/Legs Centurion/TP Centurion/Technique Trap Search Blood Sword Zanbeacon Regular Drops
The HOTTEST event of Ultima is here This event includes many things like: Buffed up monsters to fight Random 5x exp Increased Rare monster appearances Regular Event drops Returning items Hundred Souls In celebration of: This year we were really close to hit 200 users online at the same time. If that ever happens, maybe we can come up with another weapon In the meantime three NEW items have been added to the event. Centurion/Legs Centurion/TP Centurion/Technique Drop details are unknown. Stats details: unknown but name of the items pretty much says it all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Sword Forces can prove their effort was not in vein with the power of this weapon! Centurion/Battle Not stopping for speed bumps when you are 110% faster with your attacks! Trap Search Not a droid? Can't see that evil trap on Path to Salvation? Fear no more! No need to use a frame specifically to see the traps! This unit is the solution for all your problems, with at the price of... well you have to hunt it. Psycho Black crystal A cursed crystal with an immense power, using it on a Master Raven will convert it into Psycho Ravens, a powerful weapon to curse your enemies with death! The buffed monsters The new genetically enhanced monster breeds are ready to remove the soul out of your body. Brace yourselves for a good challenge. Morfos Baranz Event is active until July 8 2017
EN You just received an invite to spend a Summer in Ragol, with the condition you can only bring 5 items with you, what will they be? Best answer wins 15 dts ES Acabas de recibir una invitación para pasar un verano en Ragol, con la condición de que sólo puedes llevar 5 items con usted, que seran? La mejor respuesta gana 15 dts PT Acabas de receber um convite para passar um Verão em Ragol, com a condição de que apenas podes levar 5 items contigo, o que serão? A melhor resposta ganha 15 dts Deadline/Fecha tope/Data limite August 15/15 de agosto
Welcome to all Ultima users. We hope you are enjoying the season so far. It's my pleasure to announce a pair of minievents for you all. Part 1 - Ultima Summer Meme Event 2: Electric Boogaloo It's Back! The Summer Meme Event has returned for 2016. Submit your best dank memes based on Ultima Server, whether it be Ultima specific Items, Ultima Events, or other Ultima related content. Meme submissions should preferably be based based specifically around Ultima Server and not just Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst in general. The first meme event was a great success, and I'm sure you all have plenty more to show off still. Prizes: Grand Prize - 1 Centurion/Battle Second Place - 1 Blood Sword, 30hit and up to 60% total divided in other attributes of winner's choice (no more than three %'s) Consolation Prize - Zanbacon Swords for all participants Rules: 1. You may submit multiple memes if you are clever enough to think of them, however you may only win one prize (i.e. can't win both 1st and 2nd place). 2. No Stealing! You must design and create your own new meme for this event. Cheating will result in disqualification from both summer minievents. 3. Nothing offensive please. Server rules still apply, so keep it relatively within reason. If you are mocking someone in particular, please make sure they are not offended before submitting. 4. Submissions will run through July 17th. Anything submitted later will not count. Part 2 - Ultima's 'Summer Beach Vacation' Screenshot Competition Put together your best summer screenshots from within the 'Festivity on the Beach' quest. This is a very unique quest that allows players to call up several cool effects via special phrases. You can find a nice guide on the special phrases here: (, as well as a secondary less complete guide here: ( Photo editing is encouraged for maximum awesomeness in your pictures. Soly's new Launcher.exe has several features you may find useful for taking these pictures, such as the ability to hide the hud and more advanced camera controls. Prizes: Grand Prize - 1 Psycho Black Crystal Second Place - 1 Soul Booster Consolation Prize - Trap Search for all participants Rules: 1. You may submit multiple screenshots if you like, however you may only win one prize (i.e. can't win both 1st and 2nd place). 2. No Stealing! You must submit your own screenshots for this event. Cheating will result in disqualification from both summer minievents. 3. Photo Editing is encouraged to make your screenshots cooler. 4. That being said, please do not make anything offensive with your editing. Server rules still apply, so keep it relatively within reason. 5. Submissions will run through July 17th. Anything submitted later will not count. Good Luck to all users who wish to participate! I am looking forward to all the cool ideas everyone can come up with for this minievent, this should turn out to be a lot of fun. May your memes be dank, and your vacation photos glorious!
The HOTTEST event of Ultima is here This event includes many things like :-Buffed up monsters to fight-Random 5x exp-Increased Rare monster appearances-Regular Event drops Returning items Hundred Souls In celebration of: Blood Sword Forces can prove their effort was not in vein with the power of this weapon! Centurion/Battle Not stopping for speed bumps when you are 110% faster with your attacks! Trap Search Not a droid? Can't see that evil trap on Path to Salvation? Fear no more! No need to use a frame specifically to see the traps! This unit is the solution for all your problems, with at the price of... well you have to hunt it. Psycho Black crystal A cursed crystal with an immense power, using it on a Master Raven will convert it into Psycho Ravens, a powerful weapon to curse your enemies with death! The buffed monsters The new genetically enhanced monster breeds are ready to remove the soul out of your body. Brace yourselves for a good challenge. Morfos Baranz EVENT IS ACTIVE Español/Português/Français/Deutsche
- 76 replies
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The HOTTEST event of Ultima is here This event includes many things like :-Buffed up monsters to fight-Random 5x exp-Increased Rare monster appearances-Regular Event drops Returning items Hundred Souls In celebration of: Blood Sword Forces can prove their effort was not in vein with the power of this weapon! Centurion/Battle Not stopping for speed bumps when you are 110% faster with your attacks! Trap Search Not a droid? Can't see that evil trap on Path to Salvation? Fear no more! No need to use a frame specifically to see the traps! This unit is the solution for all your problems, with at the price of... well you have to hunt it. Psycho Black crystal A cursed crystal with an immense power, using it on a Master Raven will convert it into Psycho Ravens, a powerful weapon to curse your enemies with death! The buffed monsters The new genetically enhanced monster breeds are ready to remove the soul out of your body. Brace yourselves for a good challenge. Morfos Baranz EVENT IS ACTIVE Español/Português/Français/Deutsche
The so much waited event is here! Welcome to Ultima's Summer Event! This event includes many things like : -Buffed up monsters to fight -Random 5x exp -Increased Rare monster appearances -Regular Event drops Returning items Hundred Souls A weapon to celebrate 100 users online in January 2014. Blood Sword Time for forces to JUST DO IT and get their hands dirty with some powerful attacks. Centurion/Battle Slaying around at the speed of sound! That's 110% more speed to your attacks! Trap Search Not a droid? Can't see that evil trap on Path to Salvation? Fear no more! No need to use a frame specifically to see the traps! This unit is the solution for all your problems, with at the price of... well you have to hunt it. Before After Psycho Black crystal The crystal everybody desires on their hands, using it on a Master Raven will convert it into Psycho Ravens, a powerful weapon to defeat your biggest foes! The buffed monsters Prepare yourself for the special breeds of monsters that are ready to wipe you on the floor. Get prepared for some tuff fight while searching for the goodies! Morfos Baranz EVENT IS ACTIVE ▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ✧Д✧)∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒ Español: ▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ✧Д✧)∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒ El evento tan esperado ya está aquí! Bienvenidos al Evento de Verano de Ultima! Este evento incluye muchas cosas como: -Monstruos mas fuertes hasta luchar -Random exp 5x -El aumento de apariciones de monstruos raros -Items de Evento Regulares Regresando otra vez Hundred Souls Un arma para celebrar los 100 usuarios online en enero de 2014. Blood Sword Tiempo para los FOrces simplesmente hazerlo y ensuciarse las manos con algunos ataques poderosos. Centurion/Battle Asesinando a la velocidad del sonido! Eso es 110% más velocidad en tus ataques! Trap Search No es un androide? No puedes ver las trampa del mal en Path to Salvation? No temas! No es necesario utilizar una armadura específicamente para ver las trampas! Esta unidad es la solución para todos tus problemas, con el precio de ... bueno hay que cazarlo. Antes Después Psycho crystal El cristal que todo el mundo desea en sus manos, utilice en Master Raven y se convertirá en Psycho Ravens, un arma poderosa para derrotar a tus mayores enemigos! Los monstruos mas fuertes Prepárate para las razas especiales de los monstruos que están dispuestos a acabar con usted en el suelo.Prepárese para una pelea difícil, durante la búsqueda de los raros! Morfos Baranz EVENTO ESTÁ ACTIVO! GOOD LUCK/BUENA SUERTE!
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The so much waited event is here! Welcome to Ultima's Summer Event! This event includes many things like : -Buffed up monsters to fight -Random 5x exp -Increased Rare monster appearances -Regular Event drops Returning items Hundred Souls A weapon to celebrate 100 users online in January 2014. Blood Sword Time for forces to JUST DO IT and get their hands dirty with some powerful attacks. Centurion/Battle Slaying around at the speed of sound! That's 110% more speed to your attacks! Trap Search Not a droid? Can't see that evil trap on Path to Salvation? Fear no more! No need to use a frame specifically to see the traps! This unit is the solution for all your problems, with at the price of... well you have to hunt it. Before After Psycho Black crystal The crystal everybody desires on their hands, using it on a Master Raven will convert it into Psycho Ravens, a powerful weapon to defeat your biggest foes! The buffed monsters Prepare yourself for the special breeds of monsters that are ready to wipe you on the floor. Get prepared for some tuff fight while searching for the goodies! Morfos Baranz EVENT IS ACTIVE ▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ✧Д✧)∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒ Español: ▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ✧Д✧)∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒ El evento tan esperado ya está aquí! Bienvenidos al Evento de Verano de Ultima! Este evento incluye muchas cosas como: -Monstruos mas fuertes hasta luchar -Random exp 5x -El aumento de apariciones de monstruos raros -Items de Evento Regulares Regresando otra vez Hundred Souls Un arma para celebrar los 100 usuarios online en enero de 2014. Blood Sword Tiempo para los FOrces simplesmente hazerlo y ensuciarse las manos con algunos ataques poderosos. Centurion/Battle Asesinando a la velocidad del sonido! Eso es 110% más velocidad en tus ataques! Trap Search No es un androide? No puedes ver las trampa del mal en Path to Salvation? No temas! No es necesario utilizar una armadura específicamente para ver las trampas! Esta unidad es la solución para todos tus problemas, con el precio de ... bueno hay que cazarlo. Antes Después Psycho crystal El cristal que todo el mundo desea en sus manos, utilice en Master Raven y se convertirá en Psycho Ravens, un arma poderosa para derrotar a tus mayores enemigos! Los monstruos mas fuertes Prepárate para las razas especiales de los monstruos que están dispuestos a acabar con usted en el suelo.Prepárese para una pelea difícil, durante la búsqueda de los raros! Morfos Baranz EVENTO ESTÁ ACTIVO! GOOD LUCK/BUENA SUERTE!
Great news to start the summer with. Ultima server updates thanks to @tofuman who helped us out a lot. Trade window. Now users can safely trade. The trade windows has been tested and is 100% working. Enjoy Battle Score saves - The server now saves your character battle score. Mag De-sync - an improvement to the problem of the mag de-sync has been made. hopefully this will stop the entire problem with mags. Also ( probably the most exiting change is ) that tofuman made changes to prevent the bug "???", this is still work in progress but the bug will be occurring less often. All credits for the changes applied to the ship go to tofuman ( big thanks for that ) Work in progress. Tofuman will be implementing a working team point system. Here, teams will be able to have a /teambank to share items with ranked team members and also be able to use the team points. This and some more extra functionalities we will explain later. Enjoy, and any feedback is appreciated!
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- trade window
- bug bug ???
(and 8 more)
Tagged with:
We proudly announce the beginning of the long awaited summer event! This event includes many things like : New items Buffed up monsters to fight Random 5x exp Increased Rare monster appearances Regular Event drops More Happy Hours The new items We will introduce 4 brand new items to ultima. Centurion/Battle An evil grin should appear on your face while reading the name of this powerful new unit. It does exactly what you expect it to do : increase your battle speed by a whooping 50% instead of the previous max speed increase of 40% on V101 and Heavenly/Battle. Prepare to slaughter monsters at the speed of sonic! DROP: YELLOW / GIRTABLULU ORAN / KONDRIU SKYLY / EPSILON WHITILL / DARK FALZ Trap Search Not a droid? Don't wanna wear a specific armor/shield to reveal traps? Search no more! Never get a nasty surprise like being frozen between 5 hildetorrs that woke up from their daily nap... Thanks to this nifty piece of technology, traps can be spotted kilometers ahead without having to carry trap visions. DROP: VIRIDIA / BARANZ GRINHILL / BARANZ BLUEFULL / MORFOS Psycho crystal A new kind of crystal has been discovered on Ragol. And what better is there to do than turn anything you find into a blasting new weapon? That's right, nothing! This crystal can now be used to create the mighty PSYCHO RAVEN when used on a MASTER RAVEN. We won't spoil too much about this gun, only one way to find out its true power... Get hunting! DROP REDRIA / MORFOS Powermage Saber "Forces are pussies, they are scared to make their hands dirty so they use spells to attack from far away... " Next time you hear someone say this, take them out for a little walk in the forest... This weapon will beat all their arguments, and their head Introducing the strongest Melee weapon for FOrces, the Blood Sword. It's show time! DROP PINKAL / SAINTMILLION The buffed monsters Of-course those new fancy items are not easy to get. They are guarded by a special breed of buffed monsters who easily might wipe the floor with any unprepared hunter. Prepare your best skills to take em down and loot the new treasures! Morfos Stats : / Baranz Stats : / We know you love those... So we made them a little stronger Update in drops Well since summer is almost over, i have change the drop rates to make them little easier. so far this are the changes. Cent/battle: FAlz Purple 1/102 falz white 1/102 epsilon skyly 1/102 KONDRIU ORAN 1/16 girtabuble yellow 1/73 Psycho Black Crystal Morfo Redria 1/73 morfos Blue 1/73 morfos yellow 1/73 Blood Sword Saint million Pink 1/9 Saint million purple 1/9 Trap/search Garanz Viridia 7/32 Garanz greenhill 7/32 / More items might get released during he event self. A big thank you to Kajex for making the skin of the new weapons, to Orange bo... I mean Lee for his pmt editor, to Larva for his work put into the event and the rest of the staff for keeping the server going! EVENT IS ACTIVE Estamos orgullosos de anunciar el comienzo del tan esperad evento de verano! Este evento incluye muchas cosas como: Nuevos productos Monstruos pulimentados hasta luchar Random exp 5x El aumento de apariciones de monstruos raros Cae Evento Regular More Happy Hours Los nuevos artículos Vamos a introducir 4 artículos a estrenar en ultima. 1.Centurion/Battle Una sonrisa maligna debe aparecer en la cara al leer el nombre de esta poderosa unidad nueva. Hace exactamente lo que usted espera que haga aumentar la velocidad de la batalla en un 50% en lugar del anterior máximo de aumento de velocidad del 40% en el V101 y Heavenly / Battle. Prepárese para masacrar los monstruos a la velocidad de Sonic! DROP: YELLOW / GIRTABLULU ORAN / KONDRIU SKYLY / EPSILON WHITILL / DARK FALZ Trap Search No eres un androide? No quieres usar un armor/shield para revelar las trampas? No busque más! no te lleves sorpresas desagradables como estar congelado entre 5 hildetorrs que despertaron de su siesta diaria ... Gracias a esta pieza ingeniosa de la tecnología, las trampas se pueden observar kilómetros más adelante sin tener que llevar trap visions. DROP: VIRIDIA / BARANZ GRINHILL / BARANZ BLUEFULL / MORFOS Psycho crystal Un nuevo tipo de cristal se ha descubierto en Ragol. Y qué mejor que hacer de vuelta todo lo que encuentre a una nueva arma? Así es, ¡nada! Este cristal puede ahora ser usado para crear el poderoso PSYCHO RAVEN y se utiliza en la MASTER RAVEN No vamos a estropear demasiado sobre esta pistola la única manera de averiguar su verdadero poder ... Obtener la caza! DROP REDRIA / MORFOS Powermage Saber "lOS forces tienen miedo de que sus manos se ensucien, asi que utilizan hechizos para atacar desde lejos..." La próxima vez que escuche a alguien decir esto, sacalos a dar un paseo en el bosque ... Esta arma le ganará a todos sus argumentos, Al presentar el arma cuerpo a cuerpo más fuerte para los force. la Blood Sword. Es hora del espectáculo! DROP PINKAL / SAINTMILLION monstruos con aumento de fuerza y defensa / Gracias ANDRE para el translation!