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Hello, I was wondering if a GM could do my friend a solid. His name is TheorisT and I had given him a Spread Needle with 15% hit that I found in the Ruins. He got to use it for about 2 days before he accidentally sold the darn thing. If you could find him and restore it, or I'll get it to him (Phreak, Vir in game) I would really appreciate it. If not, it's cool, too. This server is awesome. Been here about a month. Thanks!
Okay so i was playin. joined a game and went to get dimates and trimates. Normal right. When i opened the store. i got no message of disconnection or anyting. and was at the login. When i logged back in. I went back and bought mates. when i popped inventory open to sort it. my 73-77 pd stack was gone and only 1 was there . please get back to me about this. Guild Card: 42187959 Character Slot: 2 time: 18:20ish
Buenos Dias GMs Please Ayuda! I have lost several items today Entre a un juego que tenia password , estaba transfiriendo items para otro character y los deje en el piso para recojerlos con el otro character ya que usando /bank no salen todos...... habian varios items , mags y weapons le dije al creador del juego que voy a volver que estaba transfer.. cuando vengo con el otro character para recojerl los items, el juego estaba lleno... para mi que me tendieron una trampa al decir que estaba transfering items, no le tengo screenshots de lo que deje en el piso Perhaps you can scan the players? para ver si tienen los items Los items eran moro, arrest needle y devil techniques/guard wave/mother garb+ entre otros Jugadores en ese juego eran JiveSteel griffeni $DMONEY$ aqui esta el log Todo empieza desde 22:01:34 Gracias!
I've noticed a surge of rollback requests, and it has me a little concerned. Is it known what causes these accounts to become glitched? Is anything being done to try to fix it? It seems like a lot of time/effort could be saved on both the players and GMs end if these issues are fixed. I know that we should keep updated screenshots of our inventories, but besides that are there any real preventive measure we can take to avoid glitched characters? Are there certain actions that are associated with getting bugged accounts? I'm lucky I haven't gotten bugged characters in all the time I've been playing here, but I pray it stays that way.
Hey i lost somme stuff of on my character tyrone, guild card nr. 42102985 and character slot nr 1. this was happening around 9-10 PM server time. I played in wrath of the forest and than i was going to pick up a def material. than a message came up saying something about cant find item to equip/unequip or somthing like that and game crashed. i logged back on and i missed my protect frame 4 slots, lvl 200 pian and magical piece and striker of chao and prob more. Please help me about this....
I have had two characters hit with a weird bug, where i would go to use my bank and the DC for no reason. after signing back on i would be missing everything except a railgun +2 and 2 difluid each time. The first character hit was my ranger and i lost my Kalki mag, my Heavenly/Arms, and 3 General/arms. Protect Frame with 4 slots. and a Justy-23T. my hunter lost its items just three weeks ago. on that character i lost an Excalibur, Double Cannon, an Aura Field with 4 slots, 2 Heavenly/powers, 1 God Body, and 1 Centaurian/Ability, a Red Ring, and a Sato mag. if anyone can help me get these items back it would be greatly appreciated. unfortunately i do not have pics of these items due to lack of knowledge that i could take pics of my items.
To date, I have donated $166 to this server; $69 in January alone. Also, I am a sub-leader on two different teams and a generous, fair player who enjoys helping others. I think I contribute a lot in time and money to the help make this server a popular and positive online community. So I have some questions: 1) Why does it take from December 11 to February 25 to get help while I watch other players get resolution within a couple of days? (My more recent ticket took from February 9 to February 23 for a rollback.) 2) Why am I told that an item which I have screenshots for cannot be warrantied in a rollback? (My demonic fork is still missing but I have been informed by Larva that it cannot be restored as there are "no warranties on rollbacks." ) Yet I have seen other players' items restored even after a rollback. 3) As a paying member of this community, I would like to know why I am being treated in this manner? If my money isn't helping me to keep my hard-earned items or paying for debugging the server, then why should I continue to donate, or play on this server, for that matter? I can't imagine putting in the many hours to earn items for myself, my team, and other members, only to have the frequent bugs and server crashes take it all away without hope of resolution. I assume this server is kind of like a business and I feel that I am a faithful customer. I realize the GM(s) have other duties and appreciate their dedication to making this a fun gaming experience. However, if you would like me to continue to donate to your server, I respectfully request an explanation for this treatment and the return of my missing demonic fork. I know that I play many hours and you couldn't imagine that I would give it all up, but I am discouraged and considering quitting for good. It's just so frustrating to invest so much time and money only to lose things due to bugs and crashes without hope that they can be restored when I have documented evidence of what has been lost. I don't really expect special treatment, just fair treatment. On the other hand, if I am being ignored because I have somehow offended the GM(s), I would appreciate some honesty so that I can address those concerns.
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