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Everything posted by Vypor

  1. lol, thank you. I'll see about working on chapter 3. Now that I seem to be on a roll.

  2. Thank ye Sunny. I appreciate your feedback. Seeing some people interested does me heart good. /dramatic emphasis I'll see what I can do for a part 3. Not much feedback on DeviantART, of course it's no surprise when most of my watchers don't even know fully what PSO even is. xD And waiting for it? I only posted it like one day before this one. lol Good sir Draven, thank you. Glad to see you enjoy the read as well.
  3. And that's how the cookie crumbles. There's a reason we ban those who hack, and if those who cheat ever get it through their head,s they'd find the game, far more satisfying.
  4. By the way, I've got chapter 2 up. Do enjoy my good fellow.

  5. Chapter 2 is up. Do enjoy, those who enjoy reading.
  6. Epic lol, you liked it that much?

    Haha, well I've nearly got the second chapter done already. Was on a writing spree yesterday.

  7. I remember the first time I beat him too. lol Though it really sucked, cause I was an android. No spells lol.
  8. Oh goodie. Now I'm pro?

  9. Eh, well not really character bios. Just visual references, so people better know what they look like. As for bios, I haven't really done much in the way of that. Though I plan to in the future.
  10. Thanks Holly, glad you liked it. C: There just aren't enough PSO fanfictions out there.
  11. Ahh, thank you. I appreciate the longer reviews. I get far too much of the for my liking. And Mags, ahh yes, Mags. I wanted to give them some sort of personality. It's what I wished PSO had more of. The Magnitude of metal quests had Elenor talking about them like they were living biomechanical creatures. I wanted to show that. Give them a personality. And the soldier will have a bit more in the story with him. I have some more plans there. More than you know. ;D Yes Dragon, I did write this. lol. Well thanks dude. I appreciate the feedback. I'll throw up another chapter sometime.
  12. lol, I just did it all correctly when I went through them. So I didn't have to redo the quests to get Soul Eater.
  13. Yeah, I saw that too. Too lazy to change it. I have a bad habit of proofreading them AFTER I submit them.
  14. This is a little fanfic I decided to write. It's been slowly fermenting in my head as I played the game. And I finally decided to put it down on digital paper for others to see. If you want to read it, I've got it right here. Edit: 8/31/10 Added chapter 2. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 So if you guys like it, lemme know. I plan on continuing it sometime. And I do appreciate feedback, so I know what the fans want or think should be changed. Thanks in advance. (: UPDATE Updated with some pictures of the characters and items. Mostly for my readers on DeviantART, since most of them haven't played PSO before.
  15. Oh I think I get what you mean. Yeah, I think you have to at least unlock 4-1, not complete it. I think I simply completed it to be on the safe side. And the heck SunnyD. Why would you want to have to go through all those again? Boring as heck they are. lol
  16. Yes, sadly DJ I did notice that afterward. However I had already edited it and put it all together, and since I'm lazy as heck, I didn't bother fixing it. lol
  17. Are you sure? Cause when I did it, the only way that it unlocked the quests afterward, was to unlock the ruins in th single person mode. THEN the new quests appeared. At least for me they did.
  18. Mamoswine (From Pokemon for those who don't know)
  19. Ok, so I can't count how many times I've had to explain to people how to do these quests, so that you can CONVERT ENEMY BODY PARTS INTO BLUDGEONING DEVICES. WHAT FUN. Simply follow the advice included within the following pictures, and you should be well on your way to a long and boring string of long and boring quests, just so you can whack people over the noggin with a Bear arm. : D yay In Single Person mode of course... I do hope this tutorial has made some sense to you, and has explained what all needs to be done so you may be part animal. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to GET EATEN BY A BOOMA ask for help. C:
  20. Easy now Holly, I know you just want to ban someone for the heck of it, but- Oh yeah, my bad, This isn't Schthack. Nevermind.
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