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Everything posted by wufiei

  1. Does difficulty determine which rare you get like in the first one (Shouren can only be found under Ultimate Dorphon Route for example). Or can I take a character into normal, beat it, and perhaps get a Gratia (which is what I'm interested in). Thx in advance. P.S. I may just hunt one with my skyly but they get it from very hard Girtablulu. I do know a quest that can find quite a few Girts but it's not exactly easy.
  2. Well I know that now. lol Yeah, I did not know he was timed before. I was so mad afterward too lol.
  3. No actually. He never killed me. He just up and ran away.
  4. So I was fighting Saint Million. Other party members bugged out (too tough for them). I had two shells left to crack. What does he do? Run the Frakk away. I'm so upset right now lol.
  5. Red Scorpio with 35 hit or Gi Gue Bazooka with no hit. I can't use Gi Gue yet but was wondering. thx in advance.
  6. That guide doesn't seem to take BlueBurst into account. Just Eps 1 & 2. Thanks for trying to help though.
  7. I'm considering making a fomar. However they don't have as many weapon options as their female counterparts so I'm a little stuck on what to hunt for one. I was thinking an Excal with hit would be a good place to start. And maybe Soul Banish with hit and a decent pair of mechs (maybe M&A 60 Vise). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I'd like to join the 12v man team. This is my Guild card:
  9. Looks like you guys are about ready to implement this. I'm just wondering if I should prestige my Hucaseal (200) first or my Ramarl (also 200) first.
  10. Ok it's been more than a week. Can I get any idea for if my character is going to be fixed?
  11. Can I get a timeline on when this might be fixed? thx.
  12. If it matters the name on the account is wufiei2
  13. I've lost the bulk of my items. this happened about 1:03-1:04 pm, eastern standard. Character slot 1. here are the images:
  14. I really like this idea. I do hope it gets implemented.
  15. Will you be able to merge two (or more) accounts? Myself (and I'm sure others) have more than one account. If I'm able to change the slots then that'll make it easier to trade items between my characters. Please say yes.
  16. I have a question. How good is Spirit compared to zerk? I currently use a Flowen Sword 3084 sith 25 hit. Should I hunt a Zanba or Yunchang or is this good enough.
  17. Well I have a Whitil already but the Redria sounds alright.
  18. Hmm, perhaps. There's still the two other slots so I do have a bit of leeway.
  19. And making four new characters with it. Any suggestions? Here is a link to the characters I already have: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=193900 I already plan on making a Skyly and a Purplenum. I also want a HUcast and a HUnewaearl. any other suggestions? thx in advance.
  20. I couldn't get a screenshot. It showed up then I was DCed right away. Sorry. I guess I'll just have to wait then. Thx anyways. As for the weapons. They didn't show up as bugged and I never had a screen of them from before hand.
  21. To 11:58 am Eastern Standard time. I lost my Aura Field and my Kasami Bracer when I was Disconnected. Here is my Guild number: It is the FIRST slot of my characters.
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