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Everything posted by Mr.Feeger

  1. lvling 8 more toons lmao lmao lmao
  2. Welcome back! Its a bit slow because of no events at the moment but will pick up soon
  3. Ive played more than 1000 hours... How many hours do i need to put in to realize its a big problem lmao... Stop making problems out of nothing... All the post is about is making the changes we already voted on nothing else.. Please stop the convo its not helping anyone. YOU DONT LIKE FAST LVLING HOLY bro... Im done with this convo... If anything leveling should be faster lmao... You are just trolling.
  4. Not here to argue about all the things that could be improved on ultima... All I want is a very easy to implement improvement to the server that the majority of active players would be delighted to have.
  5. It is 100 percent a problem... Its not a problem if you have been playing the server for 15 years and have every single item... But most of the community that is playing now has not been playing that long. Theres a group of players who have everything they need... What about everyone else who doesnt... Like i said its extremely disrespectful of new players time. I personally dont care about the veterans who already have every single item in the game I am trying to make it enjoyable for newer players trying to gear up. If you dont understand that you are delusional.
  6. its extremely tough for newer players... especially when in the past they allowed multi boxing and the drop rates were way easier. Its discouraging when you wanna do content but cant because gear is next to impossible to farm unless you have a stacked team and even then its rough.
  7. The way it is now is not even good for producing income for the server. There werent any PBCs on the market for months and months even when people were willing to pay DTs for them... Because the hunt is so annoying. There have been many items like this actually. We need to start somewhere and increasing base drop rates would be a good start.
  8. Anyone who does not like the current Happy hour system. Please complain here. We already voted to change this 6 months ago... Can we please just make the change. Thank you. Everyone enjoys the server and loves the community but its so annoying the way the drop rates and happy hour system is set up... Its very discouraging to hunt anything.
  9. Frozen Faust 30/0/0/40/75H - 40 DTs
  10. B> cent battle
  11. List of wants: Frozen Booster kama mag: 0/140/60/0
  12. you got more meseta i can buy?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.Feeger


      you around?

    3. Ricardof14


      Hi, sorry for the delay. I was away for 3 days. Let me know if you still need it and when you're online ok friend?

    4. Ricardof14


      Are u on now?

  13. Panzer Faust [40/30/0/0|60] — 30 DTs
  14. 20 DTs. ( willing to negotiate)
  15. Megid lvl 30 PM me
  16. wedding dress 17/100 32/40 wedding dress 39/100 2/40 wedding dress (base stat) PM me
  17. Mr.Feeger


  18. Panzer Faust 40/0/45/0/65 - 30 DTs
  19. wtb 2 harmonic resonance cores.
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