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About PK-Fare

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    PK Fare#4314

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  1. OKAY I FOUND OUT WHY I COULDN'T FIND MY CHARACTER. So apparently i must've made 2 accounts an not remembered or made a mistake when i first signed up, which i was worried about when i typed this. So i went into the Character Viewer Tool and typed an alteration i use for my accounts sometimes and BOOM there it was. Sorry for the trouble with all this, and Thanks for the help! 💙
  2. The one called Test was made to find the guild card, as the user above the pasting of suggested to. And while that may be quick i had a of items and mags that i wanted to use and will not have access to again. So i'll attempt to PM for account recovery. Especially because i'm unsure of what level i was when i stopped playing that is the last one i remember talking about. This should be the same account, but again the character not being there was the initial issue. and still is. But i do appreciate the help with this so far. If it was on a diferent account i have no clue what account that was and i'd like to find what account that was if it exists. I appreciate the help and wouldn't mind, but i also want to get access back to this account. I just wish to go forward with the content and playtime i had accumalated, especially if i were to join in with a friend or two if they were to play just like before.
  3. Would that also be in the email sent for account recovery / activation? Asking because i'm not sure if i have to make a new character to view that in game. Wait, sorry i missed the first part of that lol one sec
  4. Okay i found a SUPER old screenshot of the ign and character as well as the other friend's ign That being "Wren" The other one is too large and i do apologize if this isn't very helpful
  5. Actually to clarify, that person is on the forums, he goes by Wavebuster on forums.
  6. I never took any screenshots of my account and it was being played on a hard drive i don't have access to anymore. The character name was: "Fare" and i think the the guild card is the same in this profile. but i'm not sure i remember playing with someone i met and talk to on discord. His ign for one of his character's "Yaoi Guy" i think he's on the game now. The other friend i don't remember their ign. I can try to search old messages to see if i can find any photos
  7. Hey I haven't played in QUITE some time due to some issues with my PC as well as other unrelated things happening, but i finally got to redownload the game and wanted to play but found i had NO characters which is definitely not true. I had at least a level 70 something character with mags and weapons that was rare from friends i've made on the game. Even setup a team and had my character's in game name on my forum account. I don't know WHAT happened but is there any way to restore or see if this is still in the database?? I do not wish to start from Zero. This has frustrated me for the past 2 hours and I did not find any other information about why this would happen.
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