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Posts posted by Shiga321

  1. I'm with a lot of the people on here. I rarely see or talk to people that get what they are hunting for and have to put in days to get the drops. GMs keep saying that it was a bug that drops were to much on triforce. Took me forever to get my Master Sword. Also for my Sacred bow. (Got 1 early but net on near end of event to get. Second) Even then economy was still going just fine and everyone was happy with drops and trading. If anything you could of just turned it down slightest bit but coming up and saying that you don't have to use the mode isn't the answer. So put it on shared so people can join your game and leave saying "shared is for loot ninja". Main reason I changed it over because apparenly you had jerks would steal the loot. But what you got going on now is just ruined the community as far as playing together as much. I see 80% locked games. 

    Thought that individual wasn't suppose to have decrease when solo either. Done a lot of solo indiv. For red swords. Figured I would change over to shared. Started seeing drops actually show up. 

    Anyway. Individual should have decrease, but still seems low. 

    Although it being fixed wouldn't for sure get unlocked games. It would help.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Soly said:

    Please log in and test now.

    Sorry lil late. Thought it would take you awhile. I logged on and tried the triggers. and seems to be running fine now. I tried deposit/take out and consumables. Seems like that fixed it. thanks for the help.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Soly said:

    I don't know how you did that.... but you have 2 items as photon drops
    I'll merge them and see if that fixes your problem (my tool shows 19 items)

    Log off from the account please.

    ah alright thats pretty wild. We did just fix that photon drops loss. alright im off the account. just message when ya figure out. Very much appriciated. thought i was bout to delete and have to rebuild that whitell.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Soly said:

    That character looks ok...
    But I would not keep the inventory full, if I were you.

    Gotcha. Most of the slots are stuff i use, but since this i cannot do anything on the character hardly. I will try to put all of it up the whole inventory and see what happens. Also just confirmed while giving still out. had to log onto another character because if i pulled more then 2 things out of the bank. I would get dropped.

  5. So I'm back here again. Here is the problem I'm having. 

    I noticed this going on for a day or 2. I have just been avoiding the character. 

    Started off my seeing when I would change my inventory; it would always go back to how it was. When I logged out,disconnected, and sometimes changing blocks. But now I am noticing that when I talk to the Consumables NPC. 9/10 times I get disconnected. No message or anything. Log back in. And inventory is disorganized again. Only happens as far as I know on slot 2 (ringHuntr). I have been playing my 4 slot mostly. Hoping the problem wouldn't spread. This is the problem that made my pds disappear the first time. 

    Ask anything. Tried alot and friends told me weapons stayed glitched on.

    Any suggestions would help. I would like to keep the character in the slot. 


    42187959 guild card

    Character slot 2.



  6. Okay so i was playin. joined a game and went to get dimates and trimates. Normal right.

    When i opened the store. i got no message of disconnection or anyting. and was at the login. When i logged back in. I went back and bought mates. when i popped inventory open to sort it. my 73-77 pd stack was gone and only 1 was there

    . please get back to me about this.

    Guild Card: 42187959

    Character Slot: 2

    time: 18:20ish



  7. 1 hour ago, Ana G.5 said:

    I don't think it's ok/fair because most new players won't be buying a lot of rare items using DTS, even less if said rare items are way too expensive, and taking into account that most of us already got a good handful of rares by our own. Nowadays, most people already play on locked parties in order to get all of the rares for themselves or a handful of friends that go with them. Due to this, most new comers can't find any parties to play in, or anybody to invite at all, which leads them to either try playing alone or end up abandoning the server. If rare items become even rarer than they already are, then these locked parties will only increase in number and, by the end, most newcomers won't even find people to invite over which will make them eventually leave. I think this is something that should be considered.

    I meant to throw this in. It's going a little off topic, but since Ana said something bout it throwing it in. I agree with all the locked party and new player stuff. When i started, i ran into this problem a whole lot about the locked games and hard to find community. Luckily, my love for the game.. and first private server... went and grinded it out and go to ultimate. Then the Triforce event started.

    I have talked to some people today and they even said they was logging off because white names. no experience buff. no drops.  why keep playing. so this is may cause a drop. 

    Anyway. Just some server community talk. Lots of good friends now over the time on server. :)

  8. Thanks everyone for confirming and help with this. I didn't notice everyone was having such an issue with it as well, but glad to shed some light on this. I haven't tried to confirm it on other episodes. Only actually boss i was running was Ep. 4 boss for Girasole from the Event. Never seen a problem. Can't wait to see when its fixed. For now. hunter seems very tedious :(

    @larva Good deal.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Soly said:

    Well... this might be because previously we had a bug with individual drops DAR reduction, where the DAR reduction was not being performed.
    So basically everyone was running like if it was single drops.

    However, the thing here is... were you playing with other people or alone?

    I have been doing runs with 4. just did another run. Same Results all boss's except this time i got meseta drop from Vol.  I mean it could be that i am just having that bad of Random number gen. but the idea that i got nothing, but due to getting this meseta seems just that bad of luck. That many blank drops seems excessive. I've always got at least meseta or something random. Although know no drops is possible.

     Thanks for all replies.

    @Ana G.5    its more along what jace said. I understand drop rates and lowered due to .dar for individual drop rates. Just no drops at all seemed pretty buggy.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

    If you use individual drop style, then you don't always get a drop. There is a dar reduction to account for the fact that it's rolling for the drop 4 times instead of just 1 time like it would in vanilla style. It's a bit odd if no one gets anything, but if there was a desync issue then reloading blocks should fix it. You did say that someone got an RR on the first run though.

    yes. but i tried to reload blocks. as well as client. to the same results. I do understand the no drop individual though. but 3 times consecutively. I'm going to be loggin on in a few probably give it another try. 3 ttfs, no boss dropped anything. (thought it dropped something but someone actaully dropped an weapon. if ya read mio)

  11. Okay. here is the issue. I just done three Towards The Future runs and literally had no drop from any of the bosses.

     I noticed it the first run. Thought nothing really of it.  Maybe you just have really bad luck; so whatever. Did two more runs because i was  " tryin" to hunt Red Ring. These runs provided the same results and got no drops on any of the bosses. I tried to ask people if they had the same result. My buddy that joined for 3rd run said that he got no drops either. The only person i know that got anything was first run and he got a RR .

    Individual Drop Style

    Tried Reloading blocks and Even Resetting client.

    Please try to fix this or get back to me. If you want account details let me know. PM or Reply.

    GG RED RING? I'll never know :s


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