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Everything posted by Ragtag26

  1. can I buy the baranz launcher off of you and do u per chance have a heart of pian mag cell?(the one from nights into dreams)
  2. I would like to buy a 5/125/70/0 mag and a 14/0/0/185 mag. if it is possible please let them not be rare and at least have twins. if it is not possible don't worry about it. also would like to buy heart of pian mag cell(don't know if I spelled that right) and gal gel mag cell(don't know if I spelled that right ether) pm me with offer please. thank you and happy hunting
  3. why would you tell him to mind his own business on a page he started on? that makes no sense
  4. do u still have kit of hamburger?
  5. sorry for the late reply. ill be online today. plse pm me when u get on and ill make room and ill add u to my messenger
  6. I have 6dts. I would want to trade them for 40pds. pm me if you have an offer plse
  7. Ragtag26

    Sex Shop

    uuuuuuuh. I need an adult?
  8. how much is magical piece and striker?
  9. is it possible we can get a kill counter for each individual mon? like to tract how many a certain enemy we killed so far
  10. . lol I wish I known that earlier. know that I think about it, yeah it makes sense. even if you were to buff them how so and how much?
  11. you know I wondered why haven't you guys haven't added mst to buffs? let me make this clear. I mean mst buff to s/d and debuffs to j/d. what im thinkin is shifta gets a mst dam buff in addition to att boost, deband increases resistances and def boost. jellen would lower enemy att and mst dam, and zalure would lower enemy resist and def. I say this because 1. pso is horribly unbalanced when it comes to the entirety of this game. 2. is extremely biased to forces in general forcing(lol) them to a lot if the times just be heal and buff/debuff bots. even the most op weps is still not enough. apparently my idea is taboo around the boards but hopefully somebody understand me lol
  12. lol then to add icing on the cake, you are demanding players to give you a pow mag for free.
  13. I told you this earlier and you don't listen. this is not how you go about getting things. begging does not get you anywhere here but ignored. players pity beggars. if you really want that sato you are either going to fork up pds or do it on your own. nobody is going to give u free full mag especially a mag as valuable as that. if you really want that mag and you have no bargaining chips(i.e. pds or something of equal value) there is a feeding chart that tells you exactly how to obtain what you want. try to learn about the game and also about the community. by the way being rude and telling others to leave because they don't nor want to give you what you want, especially when said player is giving your butt helpful advice, is the quickest way to being banned. thank you and have a wonderful pso experience
  14. my apologies. I want to properly say thank you to everyone that participated to make this event happen.
  15. oh and I forgot to say this ty cy. I hope easter and green names lasts a while.
  16. hi. I don't know whos moderating the event, but the I do not see any egg rappie right now. only love rappies. is the easter event still on?
  17. I will make sure that I will look out for u guys. my character im currently using is dicedc and purplehaze. so if I miss you guys(sometimes I have bad depth perception) then just holla at me. I think cy knows one of my characters no?
  18. is it possible that i can join?
  19. now that i think about it, that makes much more sense. someone should have said that a long time ago.
  20. im going to say this because alot of folks dont understand. in order to get dr. montaugue to read your enemy parts 1.you need to unlock all the government quest up to 4-1 2.im going to clarify this one for peeps who are confused. dr. montague will not read your enemy parts when you first start his series of quest lines. who ever is telling you other wise is wrong. IN ORDER TO GET DR. MONTAGUE TO READ YOUR ENEMY PARTS, YOU NEED TO COMPLETE HIS QUEST LINE THEN GO BACK TO THE QUEST DR. OSTO'S RESEARCH. HE WILL THEN READ YOUR PARTS. HOWEVER IN ORDER TO DO SAID QUEST AGAIN YOU WILL NEED TO FINISH EVERY HUNTER GUILD QUEST(SOLO). THIS WILL ALLOW YOU REPLAY ANY QUEST INDEFINITELY AND YOU NEED TO PLAY THOSE QUEST ON THE DIFFICULTY YOU STARTED THEM IN. I know this is alot to do and believe me this is alot of unnecessary work to just to do one simple thing. these quest arent just minutes long we are talking 20 minutes to at least an 1 hr. tops for alot of them. i dont see the appeal in any of it, however this is my opinion. most of the games enjoyment comes from the multiplayer aspect not the single player. also i dont see how or why this would contribute to the community especially when it gives peeps incentive to rip other innocent players off with a free pd(because lets face it, just because you give someone a pd just to read your parts doesnt mean he or she will actually do it in addition to that, not everybody will charge fairly for their services either.) this is an online gaming community not a family. we need to be realistic here.
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