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Everything posted by Squirrelazaur

  1. I got Sonic Magazine from Sinow Beat Normal on Yellowboze.
  2. I got Sonic Magazine from Sinow Beat Normal on Yellowboze.
  3. Wow, five Nar Lilies in a single run of Respective Tomorrow. Three within the first room of the four that spawn there. Do St Rappys have a lesser chance regulary/during happy hour or is my luck just poorly placed at the moment?
  4. Oh man, that explains so much. I wasted so much time trying to pipe rappies. I can't believe I missed that.
  5. Is there a quest like Wrath of Forest that gives you a ton of rappies in one room or am I stuck just trying to telepipe the 3?
  6. Okay, how do I contact you when you're on then?
  7. When is usually a good time to catch you or somebody that can help me on? I'm typically on around 6 PM Eastern to fairly late.
  8. Guildcard: 42161321 Character: Slot 1 Date/Time: 12:30 A.M. Eastern 12/18/2015 Description: I've got three mags that I've leveled up with my HUnewearl to Garuda that reverted back to their previous stages with points in DEF. Comments: This album has the second group of mags at their highest level but not the first mag that I have equipped because I wasn't aware of the bug and didn't take pictures of the before and after to get the stats correct. http://imgur.com/a/fXBpJ
  9. I also had a similar problem so rather than creating a new thread I'll post here too, if that's alright? Guildcard: 42161321 Character: Slot 1 Date/Time: 9:15 Eastern 12/15/2015 Description: My mag was a Garuda while I was leveling it with my HUnewearl then when I joined my friend it went back to Kaitabha with levels in DEF as well. Comments: I quit in Ruins 2 instead of Pioneer 2 if that helps figure out the bug.
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