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Everything posted by masterofchaos

  1. oh if your still looking for it,i have a centurion/ability.also,my list has been updated a little bit.
  2. I live in Durham,N.C. in the U.S.A.
  3. ill be on at about any time,morning,afternoon,or night in eastern time.
  4. look at my trade list.if there's anything you want,ill trade for heart of angel and black odoshi domaru.if you agree,look for cable.
  5. look at my trade list.if there's anything you want,ill trade for heart of angel and black odoshi domaru.if you agree,look for cable.
  6. chaos control,lol! so let me guess;sonic lent him the chaos emeralds or Santa mugged Sonic.
  7. ok im going on now.look for cable.if not at lobby 1,look for the room TRADE.btw no pds now
  8. check out my trade list.if there's anything you like,ill trade for flame garment (4 slots).if you accept,look for cable.
  9. check out my trade list. if you see anything you want,ill give you the items for 1 aura field and 1 guard wave.if you agree,look for cable.
  10. i'll give you a photon drop,an hp/revival,a battle verge,a red parstian,a red saber,a gae bolg,a brioniac+5,a musashi+6,a yamato+6,and a victor axe for storm wand,fire scepter,and custom ray ver.00.if you agree,look for Cable.
  11. ill give you a god/power,photon claw+6,and battle verge for ice staff:dragon.if you agree,look for Cable.
  12. I didnt get them,plus I didnt feel like doing the tower missions just use them.Plus I dont care about being ripped off.I never would have used them anyway.
  13. i only have 1 more.do you have a solferino?
  14. k magd ill give you 3 photon spheres for chain sawd.meet me at 1:30 in the party TRADE.pass is ninja
  15. k biza ill give you 2 for phoenix calw and 2 for dragon claw and 2 for sange and yasha(just 1 for yasha if they're seperate)meet me at the party TRADE at 1:30.pass is ninja
  16. k ill find you meet me at 1:30 easterern time at the party TRADE.pass is ninja.look for cable,then lilly
  17. put your answer and ill check tomorrow.im going to bed.
  18. I will be on about anytime tomorrow morning,afternoon,or night.
  19. If you want to E-mail me,my E-mail is CABLEXMAY@yahoo.com or CableMayChaos@gmail.com
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