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Everything posted by R.A.V.S.O

  1. Soy tan feliz :) porque? Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX (+ english patch) y funciona al 100% yay!

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      I don't play pirated games, I did the whole rip from a JPN exported UMD then manually applied the patch. I'm proud of it, not only did I stay legit, I got it to work XD

    2. R.A.V.S.O


      lemme just install xlink kai grind a bit with no heart and you're on!

    3. R.A.V.S.O


      p.s: on BBS or BBSFM? you can't ad-hoc BBS against BBFM

  2. Pues seamos honestos.... a quien no le gustaba este servidor años atras cuando actualmente se jugaba como comunidad y no por el solo hecho de "jugar" nomas? antes podias regalar items sabiendo que actualmente ayudabas a alguien que si los necesitaba ahora pues.... el caso mas extremo que vi fue de un tipo que conoci que era lv 125 y se hizo pasar como un lv. 1 para pedir un mag de nivel 150. lo reconoci por su celebre frase: ADIOS IDIOTAS! O la gente que solo te acompaña a un TTF, RT o POD para tomar tus items raros y salir corriendo. y no nos olvidemos de los nuevos integrantes del equipo que solo utilizan F9 para enviar insultos personificados. estabamos mucho mejor sin estos... y ahorita el caso mas reciente cuando X servidor se cae y toda la gente se pasa a este. ej: el caso de SCHTHACK cuantos hackers no fueron baneados de aqui cuando temporalmente se cayo?
  3. se los puedo poner de esta manera: es mas probable que yo le diera X arma semi-fuerte a un lv. 100 que de verdad la ocupara que a un lv. 1 que se nota que solo esta ahi para ver que le cae y luego irse.
  4. R.A.V.S.O


    you know what you should do vypor? take your "del-lateon" turn it into a full 3D model and see if you could make a skin for a PSO enemy in the ruins.... ah... that would be cool XD
  5. P.D: Si te intereso mi tema de P.S.P.2 yo te proporciono la informacion (tengo PSP y juge en linea por 3 semanas..... si que me decepcione) puedo escribir un informe con detalle si quieres

  7. P.S: Soy algo nuevo en esto del podcast... em donde lo puedo escuchar o saber mas de el?
  8. en realidad quisiera hablar de Phantasy star portable 2..... porque la comunidad de ahi es tan mala? digo si lo juegoas con solo ver el nombre de algunos cuartos activos te daras cuenta de que PSP2 se usa para todo excepto un juego desde grupos que buscan pareja hasta hackers, si lo comparamos con PSO PSP2 en comunidad deja mucho que desear
  9. R.A.V.S.O


    I'll be as honest as I can Draven.... YES! Ultima was great WITH you. then after leaving, it just wasn't the same I mean an entire community shared lols with you, respected you, heck you made banning hackers a SPORT! XD and most importantly, you were an awesome player XD what other motivation do you want? all I'm saying is yes. you should really come back
  10. Ian's a pretty good name compared to mine XD
  11. R.A.V.S.O


    genial XD ahora si habra accion en los patriots! XD
  12. Alright then... take my nick: [sesilou] remove the "o" and spell it backwards. my name
  13. bueno pues escogo.... Hunter lider. arma especial: Excal. (aunque pudiera no iria por TJS o DF porque se veria con mucho poder Y ademas no tengo esas armas XD)
  14. hmm y talvez para las peleas de equipos. que tal si lider A usara sange y la pistola guld y el lider B usara yasha y la pistola milla? o seria ir muy al extremo en terminos de equipo? XD
  15. tengo que ser honesto. no soy lv 200 ...aun (lv 137) si fuera a estar en un "gym" o seria hunter (mi clase favorita) o de los de al principio. debido a mi bajo nivel. pero en si se que un hunter es mucho mas que la fuerza, un hunter con buena tactica es muy devastador. bueno pero creo que la opcion no me pertencece. se los dejo a ustedes. mi excal esta a sus servicios XD P.D: Eso me dio una idea! porque no hacer que cada miembro tuviera una arma que los representara?
  16. suena divertido XD puedo entrar? tambien he buscado diversion afuera de lo ordinario (TTF, POD, RT *ugh*)
  17. Ok, so yeah, server is a bit slow, bugs are everywhere some stay in shoutbox while this happens and well since GM's and Mod's are real busy, guess my case will have to wait. but putting that aside... well this topic is made with the intention of just plain share your jokes. so let's begin XD P.S: If your joke is offensive, the least you could do is post a pre-warning. and of course "If what you're about to say is less beautiful than silence... then keep it to yourself!" alright then, as the opening joke. *ahem* well there's this guy that walks into a bar. and asks for some rounds. after getting drunk, he decides to leave and go home. once there his wife catches him entering and says "why did you come back so late?! did you get drunk again?!" - "but honey it was a special bar!" "what's so special about it?!" - "the doors were paved in gold, the floors were paved in gold.... even the toilet was paved in gold!" so the next day, the guy's wife decides to call the tavern and see if he was telling the truth. a bartender answers the phone: "hello?" -"hey is this a bar I'm calling at?" "yes" - "is it true you have a door paved in gold?" "we do" - "and a floor paved in gold?" "we sure do" - 'and you even have toilets made out of gold?" there was no response..... then the lady hears through the phone: "Hey Jack! I think I found the guy who crapped in your saxophone last night!" ENJOY XD
  18. *inhales* ahh.... love is in the air.... *dons oxygen mask* BUT NOT FOR LONG! XD *torches air with flamethrower* MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    1. Larva
    2. Mantis Aqua

      Mantis Aqua

      reminds me Dingodile from Crash Bandicoot series.

    3. hollybass
  19. common bank ate my mag T_T

  20. next time you guys make a vid. please do tell me XD I wanna appear on one too XD
  21. I have a ranger purplenum. if you give me some time I can farm you some. tell you what. as a special offer the 1st one is free,
  22. wait a sec... there's no bluefull? aww.... T_T then again the only valuable I've seen as bluefull exclusive is heaven punisher. man, bluefull needs more goods T_T
  23. and to top it off he actually lied? dammit!
  24. I believe you have to "supposedly" have your online crush hand you over the chocolate as a present then with both items make a valentines gift with the principal to give out to your "date/friend/lover/crush/etc..." and then she, well reaps the rewards. I believe the females end up getting the good stuff at the end, making this a community quest, since you're supposed to interact with female users. but then again you can go the easy way, make 2 accounts and do it yourself. at least, that's how I believe it works
  25. I believe she said. A) you can get a bouquet by doing that quest as a male B ) then get chocolate as a female. C) THEN give both the chocolate and bouquet to the male. go to the principal and make a gift. D) THEN as a female, take the gift to th principal and recieve the magic rock key. so Runa, is this ok? P.S: I just bareley noticed the sig, those are some cute bunnies XD.
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