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Everything posted by Varista

  1. hmm is there anybody that I can guarantee giving 50 DTS to to get a c/battle?
  2. yo nice, but on a side note, what is that lighting mod? I must have it >.>;
  3. Crazy Tune Confirmed on Greenill Ultimate Barba Ray.
  4. Gm's being stingy on the info. there shouldn't need to be any clarification on the matter of needing an accurate and ACTUAL drop table.... that's just event 101....
  5. do all ID's drop pgf this year?
  6. B> Guld Milla Not hit or Low hit for DTS

  7. Izmaela, Whitill, Death Gunner, 1/100. Otherwise looks great to me.
  8. Make this song the Mines 1 and 2 themes for me please. As a side note, when you go to loop it, in the original game it's from, they actually, at the end of the song, loop it back to the beginning over and over again, so it's safe to do that. Thanks!
  9. i appreciate the offer but im not too interested.
  10. B> Kroes, RR, Hit Needle/PoST, Cent/Battle, Charge Yas9km/Guld Milla (using DTS)

  11. sadboiz I got a 25 hit one, thanks for the offer anyways doe.
  12. I didnt mean anything like above 50 tbh, but thank you.
  13. I have 90 DTS to use, comment ojn topic

    1. Misombre


      You're damn rich atm =D Well I wish you to be even more wealthier !

  14. SO I am now at an influx of DTS, I have 90 DTS and I want to buy some RAmarl gear. I talked with Cyanide about what I can afford with this so I would like to ask to kindly not lowball or highball me about this. I discussed some of the items with Cyanide Im interested in mostly and the prices, if you present something that I like that I dont know the price, I will look up the price and confirm it before i sale.. I do want, just to start: Cent/Battle Charge Yasminkov 9km (30-50 hit) High hit Frozen Shooter Hit Needle (with post) RR (min-max, doesn't matter) hit excal hit DLS wedding dress kroes sweater Those are the things we mainly talked about; however if you have other things you think I could use, then feel free. remember, 90 dts are available here. my wants aren't limited to just this, Im open to a lot of things
  15. Varista


    Sorry I had work after I said this, my definition of quickly is within the week.
  16. Varista


    I saw that, I can see it for maybe 6-8. if you have a 0'd or a not very nice stat one I'll pay like 5 pd's. Especially if you can get it to me quickly.
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