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Status Updates posted by lt.derp

  1. It kinda sickens me how easy it is to tell the people who donated for their stuff vs those who earned it and know the game...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. leezy


      I never get bored....I love doing run..but nobody to hunt with..I got team mate but they ben here so long their get bored

    3. Judgment


      I hunted most of the gear on this server and trade then buy is i had/have every thing on this server Imao

    4. kajex


      It's super easy to tell. There's a donater button next to their profile. LOL

  2. B>SoF no hit, 5 pds at best

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lt.derp


      Yeah I know, not in the mood to farm PC's though. :L If no one sells though I'll just have to go rush the quest down I guess lol.

    3. Fyrewolf5


      hell, ill go get one from bpd for ya

    4. Fyrewolf5


      S>SoF no hit

  3. How much is a hitless spread needle here? j/w.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Ra

      King Ra

      depending if all 0s or not i suppose

    3. Fyrewolf5


      with all 0s almost nothing, 0-5, you can get blank ones from black paper deal. good attribute %s still wouldn't make it much more.

    4. fatboy


      why you need one? goodies

  4. I derp therefor I am

    1. Jayroddd


      The deep derp'd itself.

    2. Jayroddd


      Blah stupid auto correct... The derp derp'd itself. Bah.

    3. lt.derp


      The derp is infectious, it already got you.

  5. B>cheap chuchu cell, I'll give a couple pds.

    1. lt.derp


      ok, make a room with your name on it? I'll bring my FOmarl hope

  6. What a horrible night to have a derp

  7. dey dont think pso be like dis but it do

  8. Trading Master raven 4 last swan 1:1

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