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Everything posted by zaykho

  1. Indi Belra are so strong because they are independent, they didn't get money from EA so they being angry, Indies Belra coming from kickstarter are dangerous too, avoid them !!!
  2. I'm not using digital pen for this one too. ;p Mine is on 3 part, first is the background, second is the character and third is monsters, need to scan the 3 parts and colorize them, so well, it takes some times....
  3. I just need more few days for me...
  4. I wanna hunt some dark dogs here and here, I know that the Red Ring drop is better with these beasts.....
  5. Again someone have this same problem described here: http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/11602-problem-connecting-with-the-server/ http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/11303-server-always-full/ Lot of people seems to encountered this problem (me included), a fix or a workaround will be great.....
  6. Can't test right now, got some problem with my connection.
  7. Ok I will test it. Last night I wasn't able to test since I needed to finish some work (website for a client).
  8. Ok I will test it this night. I will come back after to post my result. Thank You ~
  9. I know in Schtserv I don't have any problem at all. About MTU, I will test some configuration tonight to see If it can resolve my problems. Thank you for the help, Lee. :3
  10. No others games/app or anything else got this problem for me. I play on Trackmania when I have time, and didn't' get any problem. In example, right now, for fast connection to the lobby I need to start a .torrent (legal torrent :3), when the torrent get the maximum amount of connection (244 ko/s / 250 ko/s) I can connect in one try without any problems... So far, the 2nd way is working great for me.
  11. I have the same problem, I must even say is worst for me because I can't even go to the character choice 7/10 times. After a lot of investigation, I got some info about this problem: 1st Way: ---------------------------- 1) First cut every others application (steam, anti-virus, browsers etc...., use Task Manager for better efficiency). 2) Launch you network window to see how your bandwidth is consumed. 3) Then you will see that no data is transferred right now (0 send, 0 received). If not, search another software that use the network bandwidth and kill him. 4) Let your network window visible and start PSO in windowed mode. 5) Now it's important, after choosing "start game", wait until no packets are transferred. 6) When it's the case, you can push A or "enter" key, then you will need to reproduce 5) and 6) at every screen waiting for input (be careful, in Character select wait some times after chose your character just before validate "select"). Why I said this ? It's simple, when you have a low upload speed like me, asking too many uploads packets in a time can result to have some loss packets, and when it's the case, the game will freeze, crash or just say "no connexion", so you need to be sure that every packets can be send without struggling by too many request at once. 2nd Way: ---------------------------- The 2nd way is only working if you use some external application to access web, like Proxy, VPN or anything else with the same low upload speed... You can see easily if you need to use the 2nd way by making a test at http://www.speedtest.net/. If in your speedtest the upload part is struggling (by struggling I mean it take some time before activate --> launching test or the test have a hard time to update the info speed), then the 2nd way is for you. 1) First cut every others application (steam, anti-virus etc...., use Task Manager for better efficiency), but keep you browser alive with only 1 tab and no add-on installed/activate. 2) Launch you network window to see how your bandwidth is consumed. 3) Then you will see that no data is transferred right now (0 send, 0 received). If not, search another software that use the network bandwidth and kill him. 4) Let your network window visible and your browser on the speedtest page (without lauching it) and start PSO in windowed mode. 5) Now it's important, after choosing "start game", wait until no packets are transferred. 6) Then you need to launch the the speedtest just before where your game freeze and wait the upload test part start before push "enter" key, the fact is, you need the upload speedtest ongoing when you enter the part where your game freeze to be sure that your do not get a liverequest = end. In PSO, if during some time the game does not get some upload packets, the game cut the connection off and send you to the main menu, so far, if your upload take time to launch those packets you can get freeze, crash or a " no connection available", that's why you need something that force you connection to start upload packets massively. Like you see 2 different method for a same problem, uploads..... I think this is something related to soda server, since Schthack don't get this problem... :/
  12. Well about me, I'm making right now 2 Dreamcast, one with max POW 195 and another with mixed POW and DEX. Why did I choose SEGA system mag ? Simply because I hate PB, it's only useful when you play in teamwork, in solo play it's boring because you need to be fast and to control everything, so having a PB activation in a middle of a total garbage fight is a no, no, no. This is why I totally agree whit Choko: Same part for me, I don't like to waste time and losing control about the key config, things the PB activation does, so I ended to like those non-PB mag. (off course, in teamplay I use a normal PB mag) It's all about choice and preference, but still, if you want some PB on those mag, go for DTS
  13. Ok It's done, got the Hell arms ! Thx Shoutgu !
  14. What do you prefer, the Wedding Dress ? or your original costume ? (I think the wedding dress is better ) [if it's WD, can you provide a front side picture of this costume ?] Also, what is the day limit for this contest ?
  15. What is the stat ? 30% Hit ? or better ?
  16. Hello, I want to buy a Hell Laser with a minimum of 30% Hit. Offer in pds and/or trade. (I prefer PDS)
  17. Well I'm interested in V101 and Guard Wave : What about: V101 = V502 + 2pds Guard Wave = Cure/Freeze + 5pds*** *** Will depend of the stat of the Guard Wave.
  18. How much pds for Guard Wave ? Btw, I have cure/freeze and V502
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