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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. Most of the stuff's prices are negociable. Prices listed with a "*", aren't negociable and i don't accept PDs for them (might consider some specific weapons in exchange tho). DTs are way more desirable than PDs, so i'll give preference to DT offers. My PD/DT ratio is 7,7 PDs for each 1 DT
    1 point
  3. Yo make room Lame, ill be there after POD
    1 point
  4. Hey, i can do the trade now, if you are available. Sure, let me know when you are available.
    1 point
  5. Hi I'd like to buy this item
    1 point
  6. Ill grab that Arrest Needle, DMing you.
    1 point
  7. I might have to be taking a break from this game as Im just spending all my time dying and its due to very annoying things happening. 1. many times there is no target on the enemies so my attack just goes right through them and then they smash me instead. 2. Im a Hucast, so I lay mines, my character loves to try and swing at the mine instead of enemies, and since Im using a multi attack weapon against a large swarm of enemies whom all have green targets on them its annoying to see them all take no damage. 3. My guy just missing the enemy because I was ever so slightly miss aligned, not annoyed that it doesnt auto line up thats fine, yet if its a box it auto lines up to the point where boxes take priority over enemies, even watching my guy turn a full 180 to attack a box instead of an enemy 4. Joy stick doesnt work for 'unfreezing' no matter how wild I swing it, yet a couple 'wasd' presses and im out, very clunky to switch from controller to keyboard. Joystick also doesnt stand me up after an attack, so I again have to press 'wasd' instead. I dont understand why the controller wouldnt work. 5. The camera contantly screws me over, right when Im about to attack or move a certain way the camera changes and now im attacking and or moving the wrong way leaving me open to instantly being surronded which in Ultimate is pretty much death. I just dont know where to go from here, Im level 123 with semi decent gear and even Ult forest, or V.hard episode 2 seems to be way to difficult for my character, and I find Im dying a lot do to the little annoyances of PSO. When I played on GC I was able to over come them easily because the monsters where so much easier, but in BB PSO enemies are buffed, so I cant afford to make mistakes. A single mistake and I am surronded and unable to move so I die. I just don't know what to do to stop dying so much. Also I have been picking away at quests, which do to my dying so much are taking forever, and I will almost be done but then out of habit that I cant seem to break I deposit mesta after doing a town run, well guess what Im now booted and have to re-do that quest. Why oh why does depositing mesta have to boot me? I simply cant unlearn a reflex that 10 years of GC PSO has instilled in me. Well thats my rant, I may be back but its to depressing dying so much and getting slaughtered again and again because of some annoying 'glitch'
    1 point
  8. Hello, My little brother called me today, he told me his centurion ability was lost from his common bank. I told him that he probably lost it on other bank or dropped it by accident. Then I got home from work and checked my bank to play, and my centurion abilities were gone too, I had like 2-3 of them. Not on any other character banks and didn’t touch em in a few days. Anyone else having common bank problems? Can this be fixed please? I really like my items back 😔 @R-78 @Soly @serverus
    0 points
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