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Out of sync Green chat bar

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I hope this isn't a repost, but I didn't see it anywhere on the bugs section.

This isn't a big deal, and certainly doesn't affect the game in any way, but I thought it's something to just add to the list of things to fix. If you want or have the time. When you're on PSO and hit the space bar to chat, on normal resolution it would sit right in front of the text. However in widescreen, it goes completely out of place. At first it's far behind, then in the middle of the text, then way in front. Makes it confusing for typing and also editing text. I'll post a few screenshots for examples



My settings are...

Screen Format: Widescreen

Resolution: 1280 x 720 (My monitor is 1360 x 768, but the game still looks very nice)

The game is not windowed, it's on full screen. But I don't think that would matter.

Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask.

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It's not really a bug. The widescreen mode has been unlocked by Lee, by moving offsets from GUI elements and whatnot. Guess he didn't find all offsets to modify. Pretty sure he could if he really wants it though.

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