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Lost No0b/HP

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Guildcard: 42149475

Slot: 1 jezbuz

Description:  Lost one of my 4 No0bs/hp after i suddently disconnect while i was unbanking it from general bank.

Date/Time: 04/01/2016 between 03:13 am - 03:16 am Western European Time.

I was just unbanking my third no0b/hp of 4, from my general bank, when i got disconnected instantly (without showing the usual disconnect message and without even signs of lag before, because i was talking and the messages didnt have any delay). I know its just a no0b/hp, but i would really appreciate if this could be fixed.

Thank you for your attention and i hope its fixable :)


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9 minutes ago, Soly said:

Sorry I haven't been able to help you... went to do other stuff..
If you see a GM in game, please ask them to restore the item, if not, I'll do it later.

No worries Soly. Not in a rush. Just take your time. If gets fixed before you do it, i'll say to you.

7 minutes ago, Junior Pita said:

isso ta acontecendo muito já perdi 2 noop justamente na hora de retiralo do banco tomo dc e perco ele  

Pois, nunca me tinha acontecido antes :/

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