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Lame D Argent didn't stay unsealed

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Earlier this morning I collected enough hits on my Lame D'Argent weapon and unsealed it to excalibur I logged onto another character shortly after and came back on my character with the Excalibur or so I thought. All the xp i gained and even my meseta had reset and my excalibur was Lame D'argent again. Can you help me? Anything that can be done would be appreciated very much.

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I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I did unseal it. It became excalibur but when I logged off and came back on it was a Lame D Argent again. It did not stay as excaulibur I don't know how to put it more clearly than that.

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I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I did unseal it. It became excalibur but when I logged off and came back on it was a Lame D Argent again. It did not stay as excaulibur I don't know how to put it more clearly than that.

Please equip your Lame D´ and use the command /killcount , take a screen shot to c the count kills on it .

and post the image here. thanks.

Edited by Larva
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Thanks for being so prompt. :D But bizzarro helped me figure out what haopened. It seemed it had given me the option to unseal it early for some reason. So when i logged back in since it didn't have enough kills it turned back to lame. A bit of an odd glitch but interesting one at that. XD

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hola amigos ahora tengo yo el problema con la lame no tengo mucho tiempo en el foro pero hoy me paso q consgui una lame hace ya como dos dias y esta matando los enemigos pero no sabia lo de killcount asi q no le di a eso

hoy cuando estaba jugando me seleccione la lame y me dicia la opcion de use asi q le di y me salio un mensaje q me decia q no tenia las suficientes muertes para tramsformarla

pero al caba de un momento vi mi inventario de nuevo y la lame no estaba si no estaba la excalibur y me sorprendi xq me dijo q no c podia convertir asi q me sali para guardarla

cuando entre de nuevo la espada no era de nuevo la lame no se me habia guardado lo de la excalibur pero los itenes q consegui y la exp si se guardaron q pasara ahora cada ves q q juego tengo q darle a la opcion de use xq no se me guarda espero q puedan ayudarme por favor

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