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The shithack initiative

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If I post something like that, I'm not expecting a lot of people to join too XD only the ones who have grown tired of Scht, which is still a minority (surprisingly enough). I was thinking to those people who aren't aware of Ultima when I talked about posting a topic.

But seeing how more English players are joining lately, I take it that the word is going around over there.

For now, donating is the best way of helping Larva with the server. It doesn't need to be huge - if everyone donates a small amount, it ends up being a big enough one to sustain the server' cost.

Also, _Cy_, if any flame war is started, we don't need to reply back.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm going to say that doing this is a bad idea and ask that no one starts a topic over there. I really don't want to cause any trouble with anyone over there. I've administered communities in the past and tactics like these are usually frowned upon by administrators, and is a sure way to get yourself banned, at least on the forum.

If you want to bring people here and know someone well enough, invite them to join here. But if what you're doing can be considered as blatant advertising, don't do it. People have the ability to find us through Google, and our search engine rank will go up with some effort. Besides bringing people here you know is a better way to get members we want to keep. I know people on the other side are more prone to trash talk, and we don't really want to bring that over here.

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Here is a good idea the vote system is already up so thats taken care of. But heres another idea which if i have the cash todo so ill make an actual website and pay for google advertising space i can pay $5-10 to google a month so that whenever someone types private servers into the search the website i create will be advertised. But this is upto Larva and Luke if they wish for me todo this then i will start working on creating a new website with more functions and slide shows with screenshots from ingame and videos displaying boss battles etc.etc.etc but as i said this will cost money for the advertising space on google and for website space

Edited by Draven
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you know that gave me an idea....

you know how people when they want to avertise anything they usually give out a video of sorts...

well why not go to the lobby with a few selected handfull of persons and explain the whole thing up as you explore the servers as we know them (at this part you point out to everyone stuff the other server doesn't have XD)

as you keep moving along the game. the other guy with you also point out other improvements and opinions.

and with that you should end up with a nice introductory video of our forums.

but that's just me.

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One month and 4 days. Thats how long it took for people to actually respond with ideas of their own vs just crtisizing mine. I was hoping i could have gotten the community to actually start throwing their cards down sooner. Weather my idea was good or bad was irrelevent to the point i was trying to make, but people have a tendency to read only part of what is posted. Perhaps now that people are catching on we can make a new topic for ideas to help keep us running? I think the title of this post may be a bit out dated now.

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I don't mind people sharing ideas. I'll listen to them, as long as it doesn't involve starting trouble / advertising on another site.

I've done Google Adwords before on communities I've run in the past. I've spent too much money doing this, and believe me it's quite easy to blow $500 without getting too many results. There is a lot of potential in maximizing SEO and word of mouth. If you know someone who may be interested in the game, you can always share it with them. I just don't think it's a good idea to go over to someone else's community and start advertising.

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