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Since the new Easter Event got a few changes regarding drops, I've decided to make this topic. Post here your event items findings and it will be added to this list! I need the following information: Item Name, Enemy, Room ID, Episode (area isn't needed unless you are 100% sure of which enemy dropped it) and Difficult. You can find most of the room information through /roominfo command. Use Ctrl+F (or Search) to find the desired item information. If you can't find information (N/A), that means the item wasn't found yet or it doesn't drop on this event. This topic will be updated as new drop locations are found. All of this information was copied from previous player made drop table topic. If you find something wrong with the drops, please let me know. Main Event Topic Check this topic to see more information about item combination and event discussion: 🗡 SWORDS Girasole EPISODE IV Kondrieu - Ultimate - Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Pinkal Fury of the Beast EPISODE IV Girtablulu - Ultimate - Viridia Skyly Bluefull Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill Kiss of Death EPISODE II Delbiter - Ultimate - Greenill Skyly Purplenum Pinkal Whitill Ill Gill - Ultimate - Bluefull Yellowboze Olga Flow - Ultimate - Viridia Oran 🔫GUNS Water Gun EPISODE II Gi-Gue - Normal/Hard/Very Hard/Ultimate - All IDs (Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill) - Better rates as difficulty increases 🌂CANES Not Available (N/A) 👘 ARMORS Godric's Cloak EPISODE II Migium - Very Hard - Bluefull Purplenum EPISODE IV Dorphon Eclair - Ultimate - Purplenum Oran Whitill Viridia Skyly Bluefull Sue's Coat EPISODE II Deldepth - Ultimate - Pinkal Redria Yellowboze Whitill Kroe's Sweater EPISODE II Olga Flow - Very Hard - All IDs (Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill) Olga Flow - Ultimate - Greenill Bluefull Purplenum Whitill Samurai Armor EPISODE II Olga Flow - Ultimate - Skyly Yellowboze Pinkal Redria EPISODE IV Saint Milion - Ultimate - Purplenum Oran 👓 SHIELDS Virus Shield: Vol Opt EPISODE I Vol Opt - Very Hard - All IDs (Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill) Vol Opt - Ultimate - All IDs (Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill) - Easier Drop Rate 🔩 UNITS Centurion/Luck EPISODE I Sinow Gold - Very Hard - Greenill Redria Yellowboze Delsaber - Very Hard - Viridia Skyly Purplenum Hildetorr - Ultimate - Skyly Bluefull Oran Dark Gunner - Ultimate - Greenill Pinkal Oran Yellowboze Whitill EPISODE II Barbarous Wolf - Very Hard - Viridia Gran Sorcerer - Ultimate - Viridia Purplenum Yellowboze Whitill Ill Gill - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Pinkal Whitill Delbiter - Ultimate - Pinkal EPISODE IV Goran Detonator - Very Hard - Pinkal Oran Whitill Astark - Ultimate - Viridia Redria Centurion/Body EPISODE I Sinow Gold - Very Hard - Viridia Skyly Purplenum Delsaber - Very Hard - Pinkal Oran Whitill Dark Gunner - Ultimate - Viridia Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Redria EPISODE II Indi Belra - Ultimate - Viridia Purplenum Pinkal Redria Yellowboze Delbiter - Ultimate - Viridia Bluefull Redria Oran Yellowboze EPISODE IV Goran Detonator - Very Hard - Greenill Bluefull Yellowboze Astark - Ultimate - Redria Yellowboze Whitill Pazuzu - Ultimate - Skyly Dorphon Eclair - Ultimate - Skyly Del Rappy - Ultimate - Greenill Skyly Purplenum Pinkal Oran Centurion/HP EPISODE I Sinow Gold - Very Hard - Bluefull Pinkal Oran Whitill Delsaber - Very Hard - Greenill Bluefull Redria Yellowboze Hildetorr - Ultimate - Viridia Pinkal Redria EPISODE II Hildetorr - Ultimate - Skyly Indi Belra - Ultimate - Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Oran Gran Sorcerer - Ultimate - Skyly Bluefull Pinkal Oran EPISODE IV Goran Detonator - Very Hard - Viridia Skyly Purplenum Redria Satellite Lizard - Ultimate - Whitill Del Rappy - Ultimate - Viridia Bluefull Redria Yellowboze Whitill Girtablulu - Ultimate - Greenill Purplenum 💊 MISCELLANEOUS & MAG CELLS Soul Booster EPISODE IV Saint Milion - Ultimate - Skyly Proof of Sonic Team EPISODE I Dark Falz - Ultimate - Pinkal EPISODE II Gal Gryphon - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Harmonic Ressonance Core EPISODE I Garanz - Very Hard - All IDs (Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill) Baranz - Ultimate - All IDs (Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill) - Easier Drop Rate Stellar Shard EPISODE IV Shambertin - Ultimate - All IDs (Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill) Saint Milion - Ultimate - Viridia Greenill Bluefull Pinkal Redria Yellowboze Whitill Kondrieu - Ultimate - Purplenum Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill 💧 REGULAR DROPS EPISODE I Anti-Dark Ring - Dark Falz - Ultimate - Viridia EPISODE II Parts of Egg Blaster - Baranz - Ultimate - Skyly Red Scorpio - Mericus - Ultimate - Whitill Spirit Garment - Dolmolm - Ultimate - Whitill Stink Frame - Dolmdarl - Ultimate - Whitill Diska of Braveman - Sinow Zoa - Ultimate - Whitill Yamigarasu - Sinow Zele - Ultimate - Whitill Asuka - Mericarol - Ultimate - Whitill Wedding Dress - Epsilon - Ultimate - Whitill Gal Gryphon Wing - Gal Gryphon - Ultimate - Oran EPISODE IV Tempest Cloak - Dorphon Eclair - Ultimate - Redria
- 41 replies
- 18
Looks like I'll be the one doing it this time. Post here your event items findings and it will be added to this list. I need the following information: Item Name, Enemy, Room ID, Episode (area isn't needed unless you are 100% sure of which enemy dropped it) and Difficult. You can find most of the room information through /roominfo command. Use Ctrl+F to find the desired item information. If you can't find information (???), that means the item wasn't found yet or it doesn't drop on this event. Quoting from R-78: Swords Asteron Belt Del Rappy - Episode IV - Ultimate - Whitill Chameleon Scythe Astark - Episode IV - Ultimate - Purplenum Redria Crazy Tune Sinow Zoa - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Daisy Chain Astark - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Galatine Merissa AA - Episode IV - Ultimate - Bluefull Whitill Girasole Gran Sorcerer - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Yellowboze Harisen Battle Fan Mil Lily - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Murasame Pouilly Slime - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Sonic Knuckle Sinow Zoa - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Redria Whitill Soul Eater Del Rappy - Episode IV - Very Hard - Whitill Toy Hammer Recon - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Greenill Skyly Purplenum Guns L&K38 Combat Baranz - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Skyly Phonon Maser Recon - Episode II - Ultimate - Oran Redria Whitill Yellowboze Rambling May Canadine - Episode I - Very Hard - Whitill Canabin - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Tension Blaster Epsilon - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Skyly Canes Broom Gran Sorcerer - Episode I - Ultimate - Purplenum Earth Wand Brownie Gran Sorcerer - Episode I - Ultimate - Greenill Viridia Chaos Sorcerer - Episode I - Very Hard - Skyly Purplenum Game Magazine Pal Rappy - Episode I - Ultimate - Oran Whitill Kunai Mil Lily - Episode I - Ultimate - Greenill Syringe Pouilly Slime - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Valkyrie Pazuzu - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Armors Kroe’s Sweater Hildetorr - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Whitill Oran Shields DF Shield Sinow Red - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Honeycomb Reflector Dark Bringer - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Greenill Skyly Purplenum Whitill Foie Merge Mericarol - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Barta Merge Merikle - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Zonde Merge Mericus - Episode II - Ultimate - ??? Gifoie Merge Mericarol - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Purplenum Gibarta Merge Merikle - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Gizonde Merge Mericus - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal Rafoie Merge Mericarol - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Rabarta Merge Merikle - Episode II - Ultimate - ??? Razonde Merge Mericus - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Bluefull Red Merge Evil Shark - Episode I - Very Hard - Yellowboze Whitill Vulmer - Episode I - Ultimate - Greenill Purplenum Whitill Blue Merge Pal Shark - Episode I - Very Hard - Purplenum Whitill Govulmer - Episode I - Ultimate - Purplenum Redria Yellow Merge Guil Shark - Episode I - Very Hard - Yellowboze Melqueek - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Green Ring Goran Detonator - Episode IV - Ultimate - ??? Blue Ring Goran - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Redria Whitill Yellow Ring Pyro Goran - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Mag Cells Amitie’s Memo Claw - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Yellowboze Gee - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Skyly Viridia Heart of Morolian Gee - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal Purplenum Redria Whitill Yellowboze Tablet Claw - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Purplenum Redria Unique New Year’s Card Del-D - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Greenill Oran Purplenum Skyly Whitill Yellowboze So Dimenian - Episode I - Very Hard - Bluefull Girtablulu - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Purplenum Redria Parasitic Gene "Flow" Olga Flow - Episode II - Ultimate - (All ID's can drop) - Bluefull Greenill Oran Pinkal Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Yellowboze Olga Flow - Episode II - Very Hard - (All ID's can drop) - Bluefull Greenill Oran Pinkal Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Yellowboze Christmas Presents St. Rappy - Episode II - Normal/Hard/Very Hard/Ultimate - (All ID's can drop) - Bluefull Greenill Oran Pinkal Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Yellowboze Regular Drops EPISODE I Diska of Braveman - Mothvert - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Flowen's Sword (3079) - El Rappy - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Guilty Ligth - Barble - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Yamato - Gulgus - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Magic Stone "Iritista" - Hildetorr - Episode I - Ultimate - Redria DF Field - Bulclaw - Episode I - Ultimate - Purplenum Morning Glory - Delsaber - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull DB's Saber (3069 Chris) - Arlan - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Spread Needle - Merlan - Episode I - Ultimate - Yellowboze Red Scorpio - Merlan - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Belra's Right Arm - Indi Belra - Episode I - Ultimate - Yellowboze Bringer's Right Arm - Dark Bringer - Episode I - Ultimate - Yellowboze EPISODE II DB's Saber (3067) - Crimson Assassin - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Flowen Sword (3060) - Hildelt - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Ancient Saber - Hildelt - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Windmill - Hildetorr - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Agito (1983) - Hildetorr - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill God/Power - Hildetorr - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Magic Rock 'moola' - Indi Belra - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Justy-23ST - Indi Belra - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Flowen's Sword (3084) - Ob Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Secure Feet - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Custom Barrier ver.OO - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Regenerate Gear - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Windmill - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal Victor Axe - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Cross Scar - Gilchich - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Dragon Slayer - Gilchich - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Gae Bolg - Gilchich - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Chain Sawd - Dubchic - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Parts of Egg Blaster - Baranz - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Fatsia - Meriltas - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Partisan of Lightning - Gibbles - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Hitogata - Del Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Plantain Leaf - Gi Gue - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Soul Banish - Delbiter - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Madam's Umbrella - Delbiter - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Standstill Shield - Dolmdarl - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Yasminkov 2000H - Morfos - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Zanba - Sinow Zoa - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Cladding of Epsilon - Epsilon - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Yellowboze Wedding Dress - Epsilon - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal L&K14 Combat - Barba Ray - Episode II - Ultimate - Purplenum Gae Bolg - Barba Ray - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Twin Brand - Barba Ray - Episode II - Ultimate - Viridia Maser Beam - Gol Dragon - Episode II - Ultimate - Purplenum Asuka - Gol Dragon - Episode II - Ultimate - Whitill Dragon Slayer - Gol Dragon - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Gal Gryphon's Wing - Gal Gryphon - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Gal Gryphon's Wing - Gal Gryphon - Episode II - Ultimate - Purplenum God Hand - Gal Gryphon - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly EPISODE IV Cannon Rouge - Dorphon Eclair - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Tempest Cloak - Dorphon Eclair - Episode IV - Ultimate - Redria
I need help on where Amplifiers drop, I found an Amp of Rabarta and Blue where I should of have found Rafoie and Red. Pinkal Normal Upper Seabed. It looks like the drops have changed on the Amps a bit and I used the search function but couldn't find anything I used Psoworld but they have default drops Rafoie and Red. Please help thanks.
HI people, i was wondering if they have added this weapon here on ultima, havent seen it on the drops table or event drops, and its name is on the item donation list, but is market as N/A. anyone know something about it? ive tested the weapon in mi server(not real server just mesing around with server files locally) and its an awesome launcher type weapon.
Buying Mind Sato for 17 PDS - In-Game Name : Tasty CLOSED
I am looking for hell handguns, rifles, and other guns with hit. I will be paying in photon drops. Comment or inbox if interested and we can negotiate.
Es un breve error... Sucede que en la tabla de Drops del servidor sale lo siguiente: Episodio 4 --- ID: Redria --- Difucultad: Ultimate Merissa A ---- Drop: Flamberge Merissa AA -- Drop:Congeal Cloak Pero al momento hoy de estar jugando en Ep4, en esa dificultad, la Merissa A me dio Striker Plus y la Merissa AA me boto ahi si la Flamberge... tal vez sea error o que no se ha actualizado la tabla... Solo queria informar eso...
Tengo una duda sobre el Drop del D-Photon Core... También se obtiene solo por evento, como el Parasitic Gene "Flow" (PGF)... o se puede obtener a cualquier momento y si es asi, que ID lo bota!?? Antes que nada, gracias por solucionarme mi interrogante!
Hello everybody, I managed to get many Phantom Drops during the game, especially when played on another server, but i give then to other guys who asked me, all because I do not know how to use it. Some said i just need to make it drop somewhere in the Ruins, others said i should drop it on a quest. Please, if anyone knows, help me! Sorry for the english, I'm brazilian ... -Niko. B