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Found 9 results

  1. I'm looking to buy a (Charge) Yasminkov 9000M preferably x/x/x/50+/50+ PM your offers please. Thx!
  2. Gari

    Gari Market

    Weapons Yasminkov 9000M +10 [0/0/0/0|80] [Demon's] Heaven Striker +20 [0/0/0/35|40] Great Fairy Sword [0/0/0/0|0] Sacred Bow [25/0/0/0|0] Sacred Bow [30/30/0/0|0] Egg Blaster MK2 [0/25/0/0|65] Demonic Fork [0/0/20/30|0] [Untekked] Demonic Fork [0/35/0/0|15] S-Red's Blade [0/0/0/0|0] Ruby Bullet [0/50/0/0|40] Lame D'Argent [0/0/0/0|0] [Untekked] Asteron Striker [30/0/0/0|0] Banana Cannon [0/0/20/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/25/30/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [30/0/0/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/0/30/35|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/0/25/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/0/0/0|0] Ultima Reaper [0/0/0/5|0] [Untekked] Ultima Reaper [40/0/0/35|0] Hundred Souls [0/0/0/0|45] Armor & Shields Wedding Dress [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 0] Wedding Dress [DEF: 17/EVP: 15] [Slots: 0] Cursed Cloak [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 1] Select Cloak [DEF: 6/EVP: 0] [Slots: 1] Three Seals [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] Three Seals [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
  3. Weapons Yasminkov 9000M +10 [0/0/0/0|80] [Demon's] Heaven Striker +20 [0/0/0/35|40] Great Fairy Sword [0/0/0/0|0] Sacred Bow [25/0/0/0|0] Sacred Bow [30/30/0/0|0] Egg Blaster MK2 [0/25/0/0|65] Demonic Fork [0/0/20/30|0] [Untekked] Demonic Fork [0/35/0/0|15] S-Red's Blade [0/0/0/0|0] Ruby Bullet [0/50/0/0|40] Lame D'Argent [0/0/0/0|0] [Untekked] Asteron Striker [30/0/0/0|0] Banana Cannon [0/0/20/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/25/30/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [30/0/0/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/0/30/35|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/0/25/0|0] [Untekked] Banana Cannon [0/0/0/0|0] Ultima Reaper [0/0/0/5|0] [Untekked] Ultima Reaper [40/0/0/35|0] Sword of Ultima [0/0/40/0|40] Sword of Ultima [0/0/0/25|0] [Untekked] Hundred Souls [0/0/0/0|45] Armor & Shields Wedding Dress [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 0] Wedding Dress [DEF: 17/EVP: 15] [Slots: 0] Cursed Cloak [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 1] Select Cloak [DEF: 6/EVP: 0] [Slots: 1] Three Seals [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] Three Seals [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] Whatever... Power Material x52 Star Amplifier x6 AddSlot x465
  4. ! WEAPONS ! - Rage De Glace +9 [0/25/0/0|35] - Guld Milla [0/0/0/40/0] - Yasminkov 7000V +25 [0/0/0/0|80] [HELL] 50 dts - Demonic Fork [0/0/20/30|0] [Untekked] - 15 pds - Demonic Fork [0/35/0/0|15] - 15 pds - Ultima Reaper [40/0/0/35|0] 15 pds / 2dts - Ultima Reaper [50/0/40/0|35] 25 dts - Ultima Reaper [0/0/0/5|0] [Untekked] 15 pds / 2 dts - Arms +2 [45/0/0/0|45] [Berserk] 20 pds / 3 dts - Great Fairy Sword +99 [45/0/0/25|0] 20 pds / 3 dts - Spread Needle [0/35/30/0|0] 5 pds / 1 dts - Spread Needle [0/0/35/30|0] 5 pds / 1 dts - Spread Needle +14 [40/0/0/25|0] 5 pds / 1 dts - Sacred Bow [30/30/0/0|0] 15pds / 2 dts - Sacred Bow [25/0/0/0|0] 15 pds / 2 dts - Baranz Launcher +30 [0/0/0/0|40] 20 pds / 3 dts - Lame D'Argent [0/0/0/0|0] 10 pds / 2 dts - Mille Marteaux +8 [0/0/30/30|40] 20 pds / 3 dts - Asteron Striker [30/0/0/0|0] 12 pds / 2 dts - Banana Cannon [0/25/30/0|0] [Untekked] 5dts for any banana - Banana Cannon [30/0/0/0|0] [Untekked] - Banana Cannon [0/0/30/35|0] [Untekked] - Banana Cannon [0/0/25/0|0] [Untekked] - Banana Cannon [0/0/0/0|0] - Banana Cannon [0/0/20/0|0] [Untekked] ! SHIELDS ! - Hylian Shield x1 11 dts - Three Seals x2 15 pds / 3 dts ! TOOLS ! - Chromatic Orb x3 - 7 dts each - Halo Rappy Soul x3 - Limiter x3 PM Me for trade!
  5. Ban's Trade list Welcome to my trade list WANTS: DTs, d-photon core/gael gill, + offers Updated last: 29 Jan 2018 Master Sword 0/40/0/100|60 70 dts Centurion Battle 25 dts Psycho Black Crystal 20 dts Snow Queen 70 hit Macho Blades 15 dts red ring 10 dts Hylian Shield 10 dts Boomerang [0/0/40/0|30] 10 dts Great Fairy Sword +99 [35/40/0/0|45] 15 dts WEAPONS (PDs) Flowen's Sword (3079) +9 [25/0/0/0|35] [Charge] 40 pds Vulcan +2 [50/0/0/0|50] [Demon's] 10 pds Rage De Glace 30/0/0/35|30 50 pds Vivienne [0/0/0/40|35] Zanbacon +1 [4/0/0/20|69] raygun +6 [30/0/0/85|0] [Berserk] TYRELL'S PARASOL [0/0/50/0|0] RAMBLING MAY [0/40/0/50|0] LAST SWAN [0/0/30/40|0] SUMMIT MOON [0/0/0/40|50] DISKA OF BRAVEMAN +9 [0/30/40/0|35] RAINBOW BATON +24 [0/50/0/50|50] RIANOV 303SNR-4 [0/40/0/60|0] Glide Divine .00 ANGEL HARP [40/30/0/0|40] Soul Vulcan 40/0/0/0/45 Demon's Raygun 25 hit DISKA OF BRAVEMAN [35/0/0/0|35] DISKA OF BRAVEMAN [35/30/0/0|30] SLICER OF VENGEANCE [0/0/0/35|0] Raygun +5 [0/0/0/30|25] [Demon's] Raygun +4 [0/0/40/0|35] [Hell] Raygun [0/0/0/0|40] [Arrest] DAYLIGHT SCAR [30/0/0/35|25] FROZEN SHOOTER [35/0/0/0|30] ARMORS/SHIELDS Kroe's sweater 15pds Dress Plate 10pds Genpei 10pds DF shield 5 dts Agent K costume 5 dts Wedding Dress 10 dts Red Ring 15 dts other stuff Centurion/resist 5 dts Centurion/Tech Centurion/Battle 25 dts Centurion/Ability 5 pds LV 29 attack spells, LV 30 support def Material x99 evade materials x99
  6. Iron Faust 100/0/100/0|80 Yasminkov 9k 80 hit Demons Type SHot80 hit Hell Arrest Needle 45 hit Heaven Striker 75 dark 50 hit and 50 dts willing to negotiate but I think this is already close to fair value trade. PM me
  7. Jaz0p

    S> 110 PD's

    Selling 110 PD's! I am looking for DT's and Yasminkov weapons with hit (Specifically 9000M and 7000V). Let me know if you can help me out.
  8. I don't hear anything about them anymore really so i've been thinking that perhaps their popularity has dropped during the period that I was unable to be here. Still , I am quite fond of their look and dependability.
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