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Posts posted by Necrolust

  1. Yeah, i think you might be right, I never got around to hunting one during the event lol, never got a Girasole either, Might see if anyone has one of those for sale.

  2. Didn't manage to take pics of my new gear (Dark Meteor) just yet, but I do have pics of my bank, though nothing is gone, there is just a ???? item in there now. Many people can vouch for my inventory, it never changes lol.

    Bank images. (Didnt take pics of materials, too easy to get)





    And now of the ???? item in my bank.


    Also, Bun'Kar DID get a rollback, and got my bank items back, but not my inventory :/ here's pics...



    Seems that the rollback wasn't far enough back? I got my bank but that's it. :onion115:

  3. New color names would be amazing, and would allow people to get more respect for the time they have played. :onion88:

    Also, i dont think you should keep the materials, it should at least be optional. What if I accidentally used some that I didn't want? The only way to reverse it is to donate to get them removed :/ I think this would help those who are already 200 and want to try setting up their material a little differently. :onion-head11:

    The increase of stats would be helpful at first, but later in the game it would prove too much. There are already so many ways to make your character powerful, if we add more base stats..... :onion-head45: You would have to increase the difficulty....Or release a new one altogether...."Hardcore" or something, to make up for the strength some people will have, and allow new drops to be implemented into it. If a new difficulty comes around, bosses and monsters can be fiddled with, old drops can be reassigned to new things, and players will have something to level up in. Make it where you must be level 150 to enter. If you want to work with the new exp, go do Hardcore instead of Ultimate :onion-head69:

    I like being able to keep my items if I do decide to start over :P If you need something to do with Techs, just bring them to mid level so they have them, but they just aren't as strong. Remember, most people cant use level 30 techs at level 1 xD

    Overall, I love the idea, it's something to do once you hit 200 instead of grind for shit you dont have, and lobby whore all day while reminiscing old times. :onion120:

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  4. Joined a game with niyuki, Orchimar, and Rico. I take the pipe to ruins, and equip the mag Rati. I suddenly get a message on my screen, then it went away and I was disconnected. I get back on and notice my inventory has been replaced with ???? Items.

    I'm missing the following items:

    Dark Meteor+25 (0/0/50/50/50)

    Zerk Needle+70 (0/0/0/0)

    Twin Brand (0/0/0/0)

    Electro Frame 4 slots


    Centurion/Ability x3

    Red Ring

    Rati Level 100 (5/45/50/0)

    Misc Healing units.


    GC# 42016826

    Slot 1.

    Happened less then 20 minutes ago. Need a rollback to receive my items. Thanks.

    Furthermore, yuki and I were talking, and he said that it might do something if I deposit the items in the bank and change skins then come back, I put 1 ???? item in the bank and it promptly DCed me. Now my inventory is empty and my bank has 1 ???? item in it. Problem didn't get fixed either. lol.

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