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Posts posted by Necrolust

  1. So.....As soon as me, Larg, Zeph, and May entered the tower, I dc'ed. -.- There was nothing to take pics of aside from my desktop :/ It completely exited my game. Here is the pics of me entering the lobby and looking at my amazing inventory of Scapes I was going to bring along, and "????" Items I would have been using to plow our way to victory lol.



    And now...pics of my shit for proof (though I doubt you need any seeing as I just got them back in a previous rollback xD)




    Slot #3

    GC: 42016826

    Feelsbadman xD

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  2. I've reached my limit of shit I can handle. Too much boredom. Nobody can entertain me enough, which is disgusting. You would think that out of all these people, ONE could amuse me.

    I used to care about a lot of things, but now I find myself empty. I only care for a few things. And i'm slowly losing them too. When they are all gone, I am gone :)

    I really do enjoy hanging out with all of you virtual people, but none of you are real. You are voices without a body. I remember when we all talked on Team Speak. That was probably the only time I could really connect with anyone. I could speak freely and have MY voice heard. Not a bunch of letters.

    I want it to end :/

    Edit: LOL T.J! xD

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