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Sinow Dark

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Status Updates posted by Sinow Dark

  1. After having just finished unsealing my Limiter, I now have another to unseal.

    Oh joy of joys. :onion-head22:

  2. Hey, he's back.

    Back again.

    Sinow's back.

    Tell a friend.

  3. Including the amount of time I've been away, my main character has been stuck in perpetual lvl160-ish limbo for, like, 5 years or something.

    God, I need to level up. I can't do anything. :onion-head30:

    1. McLaughlin86


      Hmu 4 dank cca's

    2. Sinow Dark

      Sinow Dark

      Those are words. I think.

    3. McLaughlin86
  4. Never gonna level-up. :onion-head33:

    Never gonna lose this frown. :onion129:

    Never gonna finally hit -- :onion119:

    -- Two-Hundred. :onion-head75:


    tl;dr i forgot how grindy this game was

  5. S>My Soul: 5PDs or cent/battle.

    preferably cent/battle

    1. Damien Papet

      Damien Papet

      hello you sell soul booster ? 

    2. Sinow Dark

      Sinow Dark

      No, sorry, it was a joke post. If I was actually selling an item, I'd specifically write the name.

      Sorry for the confusion. :rf-08:

  6. There should be a section on the forums called "Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer".

    Just for me, specifically. :onion129:

  7. ...want to go through with it though.

    Hate that stupid misleading word limit. It's obviously a lot less than what it says, cutting me off like that. -_-

  8. (I hate how it cuts off the rest of the post before the character limit is even reached! @_@)

    Maybe you could give me some pointers, since you had to do a bunch of unsealing of your own? :3

  9. An Asuka. Not the best of the best, but still relatively powerful and they looked kick-ass to boot. They were like my signature weapon, you could say.

    And now they're gone... T_T

  10. Aw. Don't laugh at me. D:

    It's my stupid finger twitching and switching to my weapons instead of the loot I picked up to sell. I didn't realize until it was too late. T_T

  11. D-Don't say that! O.o

    ...It might happen. *quakes in fear*

  12. I will.





  13. I'm just gonna have to go on an unsealing spree it seems. Either that or sell the damn thing and hope I could get something decent.

    Neither of which I want to resort to. :(

  14. Oh lord, I haven't even been on the site for friggin' forever. I've been preoccupied with yet another MMO I've found.

    Fear not though, I haven't abandoned PSO entirely. I'm just taking a break from the tedium of constantly trying (and failing) to unseal that J-Sword.

    Maybe you could give me some pointers, since you had to do a bunch of unsealing of ...

  15. Okay, I guess you have a point.

    ...Smartbutt. >_______>

  16. That wouldn't have happened for two reasons:

    1. I haven't been around long enough to have been able to participate in the event that lets you get one in the first place.

    2. That thing would be my trophy weapon. I would deposit it in the bank every time I went to the shop just to be absolutely certain that I'd NEVER sell it. Better safe than sorry.


  17. What a coincidence. I've been gone for about the same time. XP

    After the damn thing reverted for the umpteenth time, it's now back down to just barely 1000 kills. And I was up to around 7k last I checked before it reverted back. I've gotten so sick of it all, I've been taking a break. Not sure if I ever want to bother with it again if this keeps happening. T_T

  18. You could just as easily tell them it was once a cluster of Excaliburs. :D

    ...They'd all think you were SO greedy~ <3

  19. *gasp* I COULD! A solid gold house~ <3

  20. Ah, Limiters, Swordsman Lores, SJSs--it's all the same. Painstaking work trying to unseal them all and then the glitch randomly rears its ugly head out of absolutely nowhere and they zero-out. Happens far too often, if you ask me. Ultima really needs to fix them. Bad.

  21. Aw, but grinding is tedious. D:

  22. Didn't get anything specific really. Just talking in general terms. Like when I found 3 1975 Agitos (the one that can be turned into the much more powerful Orotiagito) and think "I AM GOD!" I boast about it and am immediately shot down because it's really not that rare, actually, so says a few veteran players. XP

  23. For your information, it was a Vjaya, thank you very much.

  24. Hullo. :3 *waves*

  25. I do so despise games without a shop buy-back system. If you're not careful, powerful items can vanish in a snap... I should know. T_T

    1. Zeph


      What'd you sell?

    2. Apollo


      dang man, i know that pain. I think we all do

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