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Everything posted by Scorn

  1. 55 dts. Im open to offers
  2. Title says it all 15DTs or 150 pds
  3. Scorn

    S>Some Things

    Bump. Updated shop a bit
  4. Title says it all 20 dts or offer
  5. Scorn

    S>Some Things

    Added some more tings
  6. The tag says it all. PM me
  7. Scorn

    S>Some Things

    SIL Dragon Slayer sold.
  8. Scorn

    S>Some Things

    Arrest Needle 0/0/0/30/45 20DTs or 160 pds Banana Cannon 0/0/0/0/40 20DTS Rianov-5 0/0/25/0/0 10DTs Black King Bar 40/0/0/0/45 7dts or 56 pds Millie Marteaux 0/45/40/0/40 7 dts or 56 pds Zanba 0/0/0/0/35 50 pds Spread Needle 15/0/0/0/45 15dts or 120 pds Spread Needle (U) /30/25/30/0/0 10pds Spread Needle (U) 30/30/0/15/0 10pds Dark Calubur 0/50/40/0/50 10pds Arrest Calibur 0/0/25/0/50 11 pds Burning Laser 0/0/0/50/55 20pds Lame D'Argent 0/10/0/0/0 8pds Daylight Scar(U) 30/0/0/0/0 3pds Daylight Scar(U) 0/0/20/0/0 3pds Flamberge 35/0/0/35/45 12pds Girasole 0/0/0/0/15 5dts or 40 pds Puyo (Twins/Estilla/Golla) 5/183/15/0 40pds or 5dts Chromatic Orb 40PDS or 5 dts S Red Arms 10pds Wants: Spheres SS w/hit
  9. Scorn


    POSS received. This can be closed
  10. Fixed my game. Close this
  11. can i buy x4 souls from you and can you add 10k kills to my limiter?
  12. yo yoo! Would you trade a HRC for that Chromatic orb?
  13. price for the S rank shot (zalure)
  14. Scorn

    B> Mag maker

    Hello! I would like to pay someone to make a Puyo mag for me! I have the mag cells and the baby mag to give you as well. PM me please!
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