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Posts posted by Cyane

  1. 15 minutes ago, Cross said:

    pero no me percate de que perdí 2 centurion/power que tenía guardado en el banco común

    aun tienes ellos alli 

    y el banco normal esta como en la imagen 

    el drop es 1/2 puedes conseguir muy rapido cent/power tambien en today's rate ep1

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Cross said:

    Character slot: 1

    Bank: Character

    GC: 42173418


    Descripción: El día 3 de Septiembre perdí varios itens, uno fue el demonick fork que ya he recuperado, pero no me percate de que perdí 2 centurion/power que tenía guardado en el banco común. Aquí la captura. (perdón por recortarla tanto, es que el tamaño no me permitía ponerla aquí).

    c perdidos.png

    esta en tu common bank D: los veo aqui 

  3. 9 minutes ago, El Socko said:

    Cy, remember how you had trouble to get rid of all the PDs people gave you so I told you to just sell them to the shop? So you'll end up with 1000 Meseta for each PD you sell to the shop and you need to get rid of all those Meseta too. Maybe people should join the room with a low amount of Meseta so you can just drop it somewhere for people to take? Or do you have some magic GM powers to dissolve those Meseta?


    Until i reach max meseta will take a while then i just drop a little bit of corn somebody will eventually pick up, thanks for the reminder :3

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, rayblasterx said:

    Apologies, I phrased my question wrong.. what I meant was....

    Can we spend an infinite amount of pds for 70 hit on any/all weps?

    OR We can only spend 120pds for 70 hit across whatever weps we want?

    an infinite amount of pds on all weapons (except dark one's)

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, rayblasterx said:

    dw approves of this. dw has been appeased. No sacrifices will be needed for the Harvest. However dw must inquire. How many weapons can we add hit to?





    • Like 3
  6. tG3CFRG.png



    Good afternoon everybody! On the 17th and 18th of September I'll be making a mini event that consists into adding hit into weapons.

    The price is 40 pds for 30 hit, if you only say you want 20 hit you will have to pay the 40 pds. I will be doing hit splitting also.

    The limit of hit you can add is up to 70% and nothing more.

    I won't be adding hit on Dark weapons.

    See you in the HIT EVENT room!

    Buenas tardes a todos! En el 17 y 18 de septiembre voy hacer un mini evento que consiste en colocar hit en armas.

    El precio es de 40 pds por 30 hit, se me dicen que solo quieren 20 hit pues de igual manera tendras que pagar 40pds. Voy hacer division de hit tambien.

    El limite de hit que puedes agregar es 70% y nada más.

    No voy añadir hit en Dark Weapons.

    Nos vemos en la sala HIT EVENT!

    Boa tarde a todos! No dia 17 e 18 de setembro estarei fazendo um mini evento que consiste em adicionar hit a armas.

    O preco é de 40 pds por 30 hit, se apenas quiseres 20 hit terás de pagar os 40 pds. Farei divisão de hit também.

    O limite de hit que podes adicionar vai até 70% e nada mais.

    Não irei colocar hit em dark weapons.


    Vemo-nos na sala HIT EVENT!

    • Like 17
  7. 1 minute ago, ZenReborn said:

    Here's what I don't understand (topic related)


    I've been playing the game here for about 2 years and have been on the forums for about a year and a half and yet nothing ever changes. The same events (which I do like by the way), the same items and the same experience.


    Many of the GMs have said that new items should be made for characters, item suggestions are aplenty from users, the demand is definitely there and has been for years and nothing ever gets done about it.


    When was the last new item introduced? What was the last item? Also, there's several things that happen surrounding the game that are entirely unnecessary or just asinine.


    PGF dropping for a few weeks out of the year or costing literally $500 is beyond ridiculous. What's the reasoning behind not letting it drop all year round? I don't understand it at all. Dark weapons are grossly overpriced to the point where it's insanity. This game/forum nets thousands of dollars a month but it feels to me that the ones spending that money don't really have a voice here. It's madness how much money Larva makes on this yet the game definitely does not reflect that.


    The reason users leave here isn't because the game isn't good, they leave because you can only do the same thing so many times til you get bored of hunting for the same things over and over again. PGF could go a long way to alleviating that but it won't change.


    Nothing ever does here.    

    Valentines of this year new items were introduced.

    As for the pgf issue gotta bug larva for replies.


    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, mudkipzjm said:

    His techs leave something to be desired. His atp is nice, but Huney can out-preform him in solo with her buffs/debuffs. All you need to make hucast better is a zal gun. His crowd-control leaves a lot to be desired, but that's the same problem with Huney. He might not 'suck', but he's the worst of the hu's, at least in my opinion.

    Once huney was considered the worst of all hunters, but there was gear improvement and now they are sort of ok(ehhh?), maybe soon soon we will have improvement for humar :3 

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