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Everything posted by SunnyD

  1. In event days the drop is pretty reasonable and the DAR on the epislon isnt that bad. So far theres been like 5 weedding dress drops i belive.
  2. I buy luck materials at 20 pds. 3 and you can have your heart rock.
  3. me esta traindo u.u

  4. Ok you all need to think a little... All the hard items can easily be donated for, so they are not rare at all
  5. I know what you mean, its quest to test your patience really u.u
  6. Funny because theres a quest that rewards those two WITH hit. And im not talking abou bp2 u.u
  7. I want to see a hitless darkflow speacial on vol opt v2
  8. still need 22 come on people >.<
  9. A monomate after a certain level. Cant get them in shop sniff*
  10. Lol the galatine i sold to Gannon XD things always come back to haunt you.
  11. Usually people get happy when a bug like this happens
  12. above 12 would maybe start messing the client so i woudnt go there anyway. (and i was going to put a variety of mobs only the canadins near the switchs)
  13. Ok now let me actually see if i can make the switchs work before start doing everything else.
  14. Defenitly better than the rest people suggest. A few things i belive we need to work on. First can the players die? or if they do its over for them. 2nd A quest like that seems hard, especially done in ultimate, so i belive we should at least add step on light ons. They are temporary light ons that is linked to a switch that the char needs to be constantly to keep the lights on. (Only one, so if your with a team other 3 can keep going). The last part (after turning the lights on) i think we could add a countdown timer and a special reward (aside from meseta) to those who completes it. (In this part id be really mean and add lots of spawn to slow you down, in which case if you kill the waves of monsters fast enought, you will get your speacial reward. More suggestions/input?
  15. Black paper deal and Black paper deal 2.
  16. Si esso fuera verdad entonces gannon nunca ganaria a die o a louis. Ya que ambos tienen mas ata y atacan de lejos. en fin.
  17. Ya sabes como el es pero = somos unidos. :;: DarkNess :;: "Mas que un Equipo, Una Familia"
  18. 0.0 id like to know who sold those things. (especially with your time in here...) 5 ps for needle 50 hit. Best trade ever.
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