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Posts posted by SunnyD

  1. Next question is. How im gonna fill the gap of the new max stat. Well you still can reach max stats with proper equipment , this is a help for the users, even tho, in the next patch (not sure when is gonna be ready) we will change the limits of the material to a new limit so you can use more materials to reach the Max stat (that gold number everyone loves LOL)

    Oh another thing, is it that we cant have luck mats on ultima? i have to max my luck with units :(

  2. Lol, did you not read the first post?

    But I would of done it for you xD

    Sorry if im getting out of topic here but i was pretty sure you would sell something like Heavenly units :P (They are so common, im just lasy to search).

  3. Please read the rules and post some more information...


    1) Post the topic in the right zone for your language (english or spanish section)

    2) Post the topic in a right order, topics that cannot be understood will not be rolled back or have items recovered

    3) Post 1 picture showing the old item and another pic showing the bugged item. If your whole inventory is bugged show a picture of the inventory showing "????" items

    4) Explain the problem including details of how it happened

    5) Put the date and time of when the bug happened (this will make it easier rollback if needed)

    6) Put your guildcard number and the slot of the character bugged (only if rollback is needed)

    7) Do not request a rollback if you do not have evidence

    8) The rollback will only be done for 4 items or more

    9) Remenber, all the staff of ultima are human, please be patient

    Note: If your post breaks the rules, the rollback will be denied

    Note 2: Remember a rollback will take your character back in time, ultima not is responsible for any levels lost and if you lose someones item, please dont have a problem with this

    This is a example of the post

    Hi, I have a problen with a bug and I it need fixed, this happened at 12 O'clock, while i was training my characater. I equiped one item and it caused me to disconnect

    "Here picture when can see the bug"

    "Here picture where you can see the item before the bug" *note, if it is total loss only show picture of the bugged inventory*

    GC Nª: 4200000

    SLot: 2

    PD: here is some links of where you can host your picture uploads Tinypic or Imageshack

    Original Topic => Rules to make a rollback topic

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