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Posts posted by Kagetsuya

  1. hace 1 minuto, Colorado Wilson dijo:

    It's not a problem... The rate is meant to be hard lol. We've had some of our best players run POD a literal 800 times before being rewarded. If you go look at @under9000 his posts you'll see. STA nearly makes you invincible, so why would it be easy to get? This game in general is meant to be grind in general.

    As a I said its my opinion, feel free to share or not. The issue of STA has been discussed already in several posts (event drops with impossible rates such as PGF instead of making it permanents) so if I spend the whole event doing like crazy POD and I don't get anything, first it's my problem for stick to that single item instead of hunt the other ones, but the staff problem comes when im forced to do it if I want one of the core items without spending hundreds of bucks. And I'm not the only one in the same situation so the players get frustrated and then the drama begins. 

    • Like 2
  2. hace 2 horas, Arturoux dijo:

    This. I'm all for a hit event, but (1) I think it too close to 2 BIG events and (2) when everyone is bitching about DAR and boss drops and everything else why the hell should all y'all be rewarded?

    Maybe the complains are legit, because right now is a pain hunt something. It's just a shame watch 10 banners top in HH and make this game a grind fest when the trend in every game is actually the opposite, in my case is simple, ill stay until this event ends and if my effort is not awarded ill just join the leaving crowd. And btw I'm not bitching about the DAR this is my first post about it and my last one, the staff can do whatever they want, but the problem is there, bitching or not.

    And about the event, If are just PDs its okay but hunt more items with the anniversary event honestly I would pass.

    • Like 3
  3. Got this feel free to PM me if you want any.


    RED SWORD [0/20/25/0|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/20/0/30|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/20/0/0|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/30/10/0|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/35/35/0|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/20/0/0|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/15/25/0|0] 

    RED SWORD [15/0/0/0|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/0/25/0|0] 


    RED SWORD [35/40/30/0|0] 
    RED SWORD [0/35/40/0|45] 

    RED SWORD [25/40/40/0|0] 

    CRIMSON SWORD +55 [Arrest] [0/35/0/0|40] 

  4. hace 2 horas, Soly dijo:

    As I said before, I know what the bug is.

    Also, if you re-read what he said, I'll add it below, he said "another bug" and said what happened... which I don't think is related.

    This means, the ship thought he had "used" the limiter which would then trigger the message if it didn't have enough kills.

    The bug is not related to the original one of this thread, I got the Limiter equipped while I was farming lanterns, then I opened like 5 or so and got that message 5 times in a row, so probably is just a desync issue as you stated. Thanks for the fast reply :)

  5. One thing in forum that can be made to improve this is an announcement like the one of the summer event in the top of the chat, its the only thing that I miss. I saw a lot of banners in the game, Mio was talking about the event in the thread and in lobby, people were buying special weapons and yas the whole week, even the forum chat was flooded with buying messages this weekend. Just my opinion because there is a big gap between "poorly handled" and "the advertising could be better". So far I noticed the event in forum, the thread was highlighted in the index under the event section almost the whole week.

    • Like 1
  6. hace 30 minutos, LisaBurgin dijo:

    i have beat about 10 event monsters and gotten PD's. i just beat the gryphon and my bud picks up wing and i get a pd. i haven't gotten anything really good in sometime. is there anyway there is something messed up with one of my files or something. my thumbs are going numb playing for PD's. i know i have bad luck, but dang. thanks.

    I doubt you have any kind of bug, just bad luck, anyway If I could choose a PD its better for me than a gryphon wing :P

    • Like 1
  7. Aquí tienes una guia para conseguir las estadísticas máximas de cada tipo de personaje así puedes crear el mag en función de lo que necesites


    El tipo de personaje es RAmarl, yellowboze se refiere a la ID que va mas relacionado con el tipo de drop y alguna cosa mas, pero por ahora no te compliques y sigue la guia del sato hasta que llegue a nivel 100 y ya lo alimentas en función de las stats que necesites.

    Esto también te puede ayudar: https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/tool-box/calculators/max-stats/ sirve para calcular las estadísticas en función de los objetos, materiales usados y mag.

    Y las tablas de drop en función de la ID que tengas: https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/droptable/drop-tables/

    Si te ves muy saturado con algo siempre puedes enviarme un MP para cualquier duda un saludo!

  8. Un tipo de starter pack para jugadores nuevos con un mag y cosas básicas a un precio asequible,  creo que puede funcionar mas a la hora de hacer las donaciones mas versátiles que un cambio de clase. Yo personalmente me plantee al comienzo hacer el cambio de sección y con lo sencillo que es subir un personaje nuevo cuando conoces ya el servidor no compensa, veo mayor la curva de dificultad cuando comienzas que cuando tienes ya un personaje nivel 200 que prácticamente es una linea recta.

  9. Castlevania just launch today in Netflix, if you played the games it's amazing. Just saw 3 episodes and for me it's freaking good (I'm a huge fan of Castlevania)

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks for the reply! I guess I forgot how many years have this game and supposed wrongly that everything it's server side. 

    hace 11 minutos, Lemon dijo:

    4) If the player is paid up front for the item, then this system would be HUGELY abused.  If they have to wait until someone buys it, how would they then get the pd? 

    I guess I didn't explain it right, but I wasn't thinking in that. :P Anyway it would be good to find a way to make the shops more easier to do. Maybe for older players that need specific things its not a big deal, but for new ones its not the same.

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