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Posts posted by Kiryu13

  1. Do you take PD/PC's? If so how many for 2 cent/ability's?

    Edit: I will have to look at my bank to see if I got anything else of intrest, but the sever is down atm.

  2. I find it funny that congress is not concentrating on bigger things like there stupid healthcare plan they want to pass (I dont mean to offend anybody, just using it as an example) but instead want to mess around with piety things like this. Oh well I hope these new House Of Reps do there job.

  3. Dimmu Borgir - Gateways

    ‎"Its all there for the eyes that can see

    The blind ones will always suffer in secrecy"

    Same song as the one I posted earlier, This quote is more directed to one of my best friends who I considered a brother but now has become a arrogant selfish idiot (its a long story, but it sums it up).

  4. Well I have not made a topic on here (unless its a bug) in a long while. So I figured I should post one. ^_^ Anyways...

    What is some of your favorite quotes in a song and why? I am going to list one and i will post more later.

    This one is by Dimmu Borgir and the song is called Gateways

    ‎"Be the broke or the breaker.

    Be the giver or the undertaker

    Unlock and open the door

    Be the healer or the breaker

    The keys are in your hands

    Realize you are your own soul creator

    Of your own master plan!!!"

    (reason is wrote like that is because two people sing this part)

    The reason why I like this is because it. It tells you in my opinion that you are your own person and only you are allowed to make choices for yourself. Nobody has any say so in your life. ^_^

  5. Before the common banks were removed I had made a topic saying I had ???? items in my bank. Well now that the banks are back (and causing problems again, judging by the ships being down) the same ???? items are still in the bank and when I highlight them it causes the program to crash.

    ---> Previous topic <---

    All the account info is in the above topic link, followed by more detailed information.

    I have nothing important in the common bank so if you would like you can just clear my common bank.

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