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Posts posted by frost506

  1. Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, The Raid: Redemption, The Italian Job (remake w/ Wahlberg & crew), Pain & Gain. Y'know what? If it has Mark Wahlberg, chances are it's a favorite. Oh, and Edward Norton. The Hulk, Illusionist, Red Dragon, etc.

  2. Resolution definitely sounds like the issue with that. I had constant closings on my laptop until I manually changed the resolution. Desktop screens tend to play much nicer, especially widescreen resolutions. Play around with those and you'll see good results. Also, the game is heavily CPU-bound, so you won't need much for graphics, but Frequency/Clock Speed is this game's Achilles heel

  3. Are you like mentally retarded or something?


    Also if you're going to make a poll for a choice, don't make a loaded question that makes one answer sound bad. More downvotes please, I'm right though.

    Events are events, the admin or staff can choose to surpise users if they please, they also tend to be temporary and the default drops return after, thus making updating the full table on the website a hassle.

    There's a term for this, I think it's diarrhea of the mouth? While there should've been 3 options (yes/no/IDs only) everything else is kinda bullshit. We could always pick and pull the items and make it a separate page on the drop table (like Forest Offensive/BPD/etc.) for players to view at their leisure along with the usual event post

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  4. If anything, just give us the drop rates on the big items (PGF and DF shield). Anything else drops commonly enough during HH and even during regular hunting where it doesn't matter if we're given the rates, but having less than a dozen PGFs drop during this event makes a lot of us wonder just what the rates are and if they're fixed to be <1% drop rate

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