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Ultima GM
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Everything posted by R-78

  1. Just cast a quick spell (such as Rafoie) if you are not a cast, freeze trap's effective range is kinda low especially on normal. Since you include all difficulties, you could specify this is only on normal and hard. Very hard gets 3 photon drops and ultimate 1 photon drop and 2 TP + 2 Luck materials instead Which class(es) and difficulty are you basing it on? I take 34 min to solo it on ultimate as Racast. As a Force on normal it goes a lot faster What I've been trying to say in my posts. Seems like I'm not reliable lol
  2. R-78

    B> PPP Mags

    If need be, I have quite a few of spare mags as well.
  3. Noob Saibot has won the game.
  4. Usually, when a PGF or STA drops, you don't miss it xD At this point I'd just remove the sound on trash rares in the config file
  5. In the case you suggested (total refund) yes. You'd need only one PGF for all 4 items at the end: - Play hunter, make a DF 100/100/0/0/80 - Decide to play ranger, cancel combination, get back PGF + Calibur 100/100/0/0/80, transfer PGF to your ranger and make DM 100/100/0/0/80 - Want to play hunter again, cancel combination again and remake DF 100/100/0/0/80 on your hunter - Etc All you'd lose is a couple seconds (to cancel the combination with the quest before transfering to other chars) Now if you suggest only the PGF refund and not the base weapon, it would be weird for other combinations since the point I first suggested was to get the base weapon back for the price of the combiner: Hundred Souls + Soul Booster = Excalibur => the point was to get your Excalibur back rather than Soul booster since Excalibur has a totally different use than Hundred Soul and I think it is lame that your Excalibur is "lost for good" as soon as you decide to make it Hundred Souls. I made an Hundred Soul set and I am now hunting an Excalibur set just because I also want to use berserk on my Hucast/caseal and there is nothing to do with the 15 remaining Soul Boosters rotting in my bank. I've also seen people stuck with a Psycho Bridge looking for a Dark Bridge while POST is not even that rare... at least those combiners would be "more useful" if they could revert that.
  6. So no more PGF at christmas since it drops every year?
  7. This. At least those people won't feel like they hunted item tickets this year for nothing. When I got approval to reopen it, Summer event was already starting so I couldn't do it earlier. (Also those mini events usually happen after the corresponding event, New year cards were redeemable after Christmas event end, Last year Momoka reopened one month later...)
  8. No, that would be totally broken. It's like you can swap DM/DF/DB/PB for free if you can "cancel" PGF combinations and still get all items back.
  9. Momoka's Shop will reopen this week end! Check main post for details.
  10. Why would we shadowban your game account and not your forum one? And just how would banning your game account prevent any drama? We only tried to help you. That error can also appear while the server is totally fine, usually when your connection is slow (I know it as I experienced it already). Doesn't mean you are banned at all.
  11. I don't think it is possible to make it a game combination ( Yasminkov 9000M + Demon Core = Yasminkov 9000M [Demon's] ) so would most likely be a quest feature if implemented. I wouldn't mind honestly. It's like the player wastes a special already. GM can change the special for 10 DTs, so why not with the core as well. If it was up to me, I'd have some combinations reversible just like RR costumes and Lavis series: Hundred Souls + Soul Booster = Excalibur Psycho Bridge + Proof of Sonic Team = Dark Bridge since to me it is totally fair that you can get back a previous version of a weapon by paying an extra combiner. I am just afraid people will end up using a combiner by mistake on an already upgraded weapon or think it would upgrade the weapon once more thus waste 2 combiners for nothing (and I know it will happen).
  12. R-78

    Capo's Shop

    You need to find another way of communication, Dutch Ride has been banned for 2 months.
  13. I am confused. Could you post a picture of the CCA Del lilies in Maximum attack S please?
  14. @Dutch Ride Here it is. The answer to your favorite and unresolved question. What do you mean? There is no Del lily in Max S episode II, moreover their suicide attack still counts as +1 on kill count. Remember you only need to hit the monster before he dies.
  15. It is supposed to be as hard to get one on Bluefull as any other ID, but since Ultima has an insane rare monster appearance boost, it makes every item you can farm from rare monsters easier than any other places. Not only Heaven Punisher, but also Syncesta, Lavis Cannon, Agito 1975 and Psycho wand (except from Del lily), have impossible drop rates on other IDs. I kinda wanted to change that as well... at least some people consider finding one of them as an "achievement"
  16. Starting Happy Hours if this post gets 10 dislikes within an hour. Happy Hours started.
  17. Did you mean FOnewm, FOnewearl or FOmarl?
  18. Forum update: Dislikes no longer lowers the reputation score.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. griffeni


      just remove everything except dw

    3. Kikori


      Does this only apply to dislikes going forward? Everyone I check seems to still run under the formula of (Like + Lol + Thanks) - Dislike = Reputation

    4. Larva


      @Kikori yeah it only apply going forward. Dislike = neutral point. no more negative.

  19. I believe every new items this server adds (except BBS combinations) are obtainable during events only.
  20. I really thought I posted that, I guess I forgot to hit "Submit Reply" xD
  21. PBC also makes Ten Years Blades which is one of the best items for melee Forces.
  22. I can do that if you want, but PBC is worth more than CO imo
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