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Everything posted by Jaycent

  1. Understood, thank you for that soly..
  2. Is their any way to cancel an already sent (but not accepted) 8DT I sent to a player for a mag I didn't recieve?
  3. Yay! That was it! Got my blue vivi back tyvm. Can be closed.
  4. Do weapon skins no longer work after that language update? I've tried just about everything to get the weapon skins I had to show again with no luck. I use the .afs file manager load the itemtextureep4.afs and apply the patch, and nothing.. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong..I'm one of those people who can't wear a weapon if it dosent match, sad I know. Thanks!
  5. Jaycent

    Easter Event 2016

    Yeah...did blue star memories first room, got 2 eggs from it.. Only to use eggs and get nothing. Except my only pair of S reds Blades disappear on me.. I wouldn't recommend this unless you would like your day ruined. Edit> switching blocks made my S reds re appear. So alls well.
  6. Soly to to rescue! He helped me big time. Ty can be closed!
  7. Ok so I saved up a bit of pds and finally baught a lame d argent last night from a racast named Ironhide (cool dude). I spent the next 6 hours or so unlocking it having a blast when I log into a game after doing a WoF and type /killcount and a different message appears "you have no sealed items equipped" super confused and in shot I looked in both banks and just stared at my invintory.. someone in lobby said I should post here..it was only a Blank Lame D Argent...but I'm not rich by any means and this was a big deal to me. Please help Info: name Lilith Fomarl Whitill lvl 109 The number on my Card is 42153774 This Fo is in my second char slot And this happened to me at around 5:00 pm PST. Please msg me with anything I can do to help! Thank you.
  8. Thanks! Just got in game. This can be closed.
  9. Thought ide make a post, having a hard time finding this one. Will also take an exclaibur for 20pds. Thanks! -Shiro
  10. Hrmm, also haven't received my Validation Email... Username: jaycent please resend. Thanks! (not in spam or junk folders)
  11. I also haven't received an activation email made an account 2 days ago. Its not in spam or junk. my Username is : jaycent I can log into the game but before character creation it says i still need to validate..Please resend Email, this server looks very fun!
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