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Damian Lazcano

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Posts posted by Damian Lazcano




    I simply wanted to propose if it is possible to modify the animation of Kroe's Sweater, for a more striking one, something like the animation of:


    Luminous Field
    Smoking Plate
    Flame Garment
    electro frame
    Virus Armor: Lafuteria
    Aura Field





    Simplemente quería proponer si es posible el modificar la animación de Kroe's Sweater, por una mas llamativa, algo como la animación de: 


    Luminous Field
    Smoking Plate
    Flame Garment
    Electro Frame
    Virus Armor: Lafuteria
    Aura Field

    • Like 2
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  2. Yes bro, im interesting buy 

    24 minutes ago, Lordwin said:

    sorry for the late response, if you still need it lmk.


    done. let me know if you’re still interested. 




    yep. i still have em. let me know if you’re still interested.


  3. 17 minutes ago, theancientsam said:

    i could see myself getting into this except for the part where the guy says "CHANGE" "DICE" "SET" "ATTACK" "MOVE" "ACTION" "DEFENCE" "ETC" that annoys me lol is it possible to turn that speech off?

    I think you should lower the volume of the voices in the game, and that way you don't hear them from the animator of the battles.  I share that hahaha it's sometimes annoying or it makes you sleepy.  But the game is great and I love it overall.

  4. English: 


    Option 1: Update the Bluetooth drivers so that the adapter works correctly.
    Option 2: Test the control, using the power cable. If your controller doesn't work this way, maybe another problem is happening there.
    Option 3: If you connect the game before turning on the controller with bluetooth, it may not recognize the controller, for this reason connect your Xbox controller before using the game launcher.
    Option 4: Verify that your controller is configured within the game in options and go to the configuration section of the controller buttons, it is possible that it is not configured within the game and therefore does not work.
    Option 5: check the batteries of your control, sometimes when the Xbox controller begins to wear out the batteries even though it is still on, it begins to present errors in the bluetooth transmission.
    Option 6: sometimes having many devices connected to bluetooth also causes problems in operation, I recommend only connecting the Xbox controller to the adapter.
    Option 7: Test the control using it in any notebook that has the bluetooth option, without using the adapter. If this works, it is because the adapter you are using is not compatible with the game.

    If someone else can contribute it would be helpful for the friend. Have a good night bro.






    opción 1: Actualiza los driver de Bluetooth para que el adaptador funcione correctamente.
    opción 2: Prueba el control, utilizando el cable de poder. si tu control no funciona de esta forma, quizá es otro el problema que este pasando ahí.
    opción 3: Si conectas el juego antes de prender el mando con el bluetooth es posible que no reconozca el control, por tal motivo conecta antes de utilizar el launcher del juego tu control de Xbox.
    opción 4: Verifica que tu mando este configurado dentro del juego en opciones y ve al apartado de configuración de los botones del mando, es posible que no este configurado dentro del juego y por ello no funcione.
    opción 5: verifica las pilas de tu control, a veces cuando el mando de Xbox comienza ya a desgastar las pilas aun que aun este encendido, este comienza a presentar fallos en la transmisión de bluetooth.
    Opción 6: a veces tener muchos aparatos conectados al bluetooth también genera problemas en el funcionamiento, te recomiendo solo conectar el mando de Xbox al adaptador.
    Opción 7: Prueba el control utilizándolo en algún notebook que tenga la opción de bluetooth, sin utilizar el adaptador. si esto funciona es por que el adaptador que estas utilizando no es compatible con el juego.

    Si alguien mas puede aportar seria de ayuda para el amigo. Que tengas buena noche Bro. 

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