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Aiden Payne

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Posts posted by Aiden Payne

  1. @Nero

    If this is making you want to quit, it needs to be talked through, there is no solution in throwing in the towel. Nor will those who caused you pain realize it. I feel your frustration Nero I have the same burning desire for the best ultima possible. There should be no quitting over this. This is an added bonus to the server of kajex and solys efforts. I have never been interested in mini events... nothing personal they simply never seemed worthwhile to me, but lots of people play quests i don't have any interest in either and i don't get worked up, so why does this happen when kajex decides to try and make things more fun lol? when we use our critical thinking skills, we open up a possibility of negative and positive outcomes, you have done so with this event and deemed the outcome to be negative as have I and many others. However the negativity is actually your will to do good, it has been trapped because you have not truly seen through what caused your frusration. make no mistake, your true enemy is yourself! Kajex using name calling towards you shows he is frustrated too. you can only do your 50% of the communication and that must be name calling, threat and violence free.

    You helped me a lot Nero and I hate to see you frustrated. Hope we can talk soon. I hope you know you are part of what makes ultima worthwhile for me, and your opinion matters to me and many others.

    P.s. Thank you for the mini event kajex and soly.

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  2. I've played with Joshua since day one. You got my vote man. Don't be pushy, Larva will appreciate the peaceful manner in which you made this suggestion. I should have made a post like this ages ago. More GM help is always needed and it helps to give players a feeling of connection to everything going on. I would never have learned the things I know about this game without having experienced players around ready to help out. Joshua is one of them.

    Good luck.

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  3. topic like this are the problem. You give him attention and a feeling of power. Stop. ignore. There is nothing to solve or fix, he will hack to his hearts content.

    I'm sick of seeing him get all this publicity it's not fair to Ultima to make a hacker into a celebrity.

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