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Everything posted by Elision

  1. problema resolvido. topico fechado.
  2. joguei na conta de um amigo durante 72 horas, tempo suficiente para as minhas conclusoes a Storyline é uma merd* os graficos sao boms mas a jogabilidade deixa a desejar. as quests sao mais que confusas algumas chegam a nao fazer sentido algum
  3. quando eu entrar no jogo a gente resolve isso.
  4. entao pelo menos deixe o chat log se tiverem.
  5. preciso de um screen do trade que voces estavam fazendo.
  6. Elision

    my lovly wife.

    damn larva you got a beautiful wife..i envy you bro lol lucky guy XD
  7. Dezoris, looks like you need to register on schthack server to download that. so it would be good if you could post the Direct link for it. (with the credits for the "lee")
  8. Elision

    ? again!

    leave here your Guild card number and the character slot with the bugged items.
  9. Elision


    a large decrease indeed. from 70-80 online now there are like 24-42 per day...or ever less
  10. estou logando normalmente sem nenhum problema.
  11. Problem Solved Topic Closed.
  12. good. i will be waiting for you.
  13. perfeito. vou falar com o admin para fazer a regressao dos slots dos items. Note for larva: his character its on the second slot and all the items slots are bugged. the guild card its just above my post.
  14. magd tell me when you will be online on the forums time, it will be easier to find you by that.
  15. Elision


    if you want a balanced game i recomend 4X IDs that provides different items from each other. Redria(For Units/Shields/Armors/Slicers/Shots[pistols]) Oran(For Swords/sabers/DoubleSabers/Daggers) Skyly(Swords/Rifles) YellowBoze(more money dropped and allaround items) well thats just my oppinion ofc.
  16. WOW larva calm down brother lolol ill solve that for you. Magd i will search for you ingame. can you tell me wich hours and when you will be online?
  17. + ou - sim temos algumas ( nao todas ) as quests do JP-PSOBB mas ainda na ha premios para essas quests isso ainda esta sendo trabalhado.
  18. preciso do numero do guild card + o slot do personagem o slot em que o char esta primeiro segundo terceiro ou quarto.
  19. DF sheild DON'T drop on black paper 1 only on black paper 2 ultimate.
  20. sem problema. eu ja fiz o scan da sua double cannon e ela é 100% legitima. voce pode ficar com ela sem problema nenhum.
  21. Problem Solved Topic Closed.
  22. eu sou......da minha casa husahusahshuas :B
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