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Sir Rendlan

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Everything posted by Sir Rendlan

  1. Fyrewolf5 with all due-respect I'm well aware a rare stays a rare. As well if you read its OFFLINE on GameCube, its nothing with server side, its all I.D. That changes it
  2. I want ALL POSSIBLE SKIN GUIDES, my buddy KireekPso told me a long time ago but his guide was confusing, so anyone please tell me?
  3. I had figured this out somewhat on my own on GameCube. I have a level 200 Kalki mag alright and I have a FOmar named Alanon, I gave my Kalki mag to my character Rendlan a RAmar for an extreme boost in technique usage (I was overpowering his mst to gain lvls quickly) I was working on making the mag's stats completely full (Star Atomizer is the only thing that does it) I fed it one star atomizer and being it was 200 it shouldn't change, right? It then evolved into this tadpole looking mag off of a HUmar that's a Pinkal (weird that mag last time I checked was a force mag) Anyway's Mag's as long as they are not set to a Rare, they will evolve regardless the level. Like my Sato I gave it monomate until 12 def, fed it antidote until 38 dex, difluid until 12 mind, and dimate until 37 pow. Transfered to a FOnewearl made into a Sato and transfered it back to my RAmar and kept feeding it, it stayed as a Sato. As well feeding Mag's deepends on the I.D. Class not the character class, so in the situation above if the guy wanted a twin mag I would've done a Rati. (Too me after loving that mag for 6-8 years I hate it, I like Sato's that'll probably change soon) But I hope this helps sorry if its confusing
  4. I like TTF better then RT, but RT I've gained exp faster then TTF like 1 hour I went from lvl 110ish to 130 just imagine what you can do in RT cus I have to deal with 500,000+ exp per lvl you guys have like 25,000 exp per lvl
  5. looks like I'm gunna do that ep 2 quest quit a bit:)
  6. How many Photon Drops are in a photon sphere?
  7. Your MST, ATP, DEF and HP need to be skyrocketed up in order to do that!
  8. I find that one hard too believe but right weapons and equipment you can OP your character
  9. Well my RAcast on Ultima will be my main soon when I get him his items, and umm yeah:) my cast will be oped and can probably solo ttf/rt up to lvl 100 probably:)
  10. Okay so my RAmar is able to kill Olga Flow on offline VHard in 10-15 seconds flat M&A60 Vise +9 Dragon Frame General Arm++ Warrior Body Metal Body Devil Battle Secret Gear Sato 12/138/38/12 ATP 675 DFP 200 MST 352 ATA 176 EVP 357 LCK 15 I'm using beserk (M&A60 Vise's special) and honestly Olga Flow is dead in 10-15 seconds I'm hitting 350-450 per hit *3 cus its a mech gun... Is this a over powered RAmar? I'd say so:)
  11. Hahaha owwww (facepalms) ummmm how many PD's Mille Matruax with 0/30/0/35/40?
  12. I don't know the pd's for it though xD I'd say 15? O.o (this is probably were you laugh)
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